
Detected runs in ERROR temac_gbe_v9_0_synth_1, gig_ethernet_pcs_pma_basex_156_25_synth_1

Opened this issue · 12 comments

Hi IPBus team,
I have a problem following the instructions reported at:


using as board the kcu105 model

In particular the command

lpbb vivado make-project 

can arrive to the end with a critical warning

CRITICAL WARNING: [Coretcl 2-1280] The upgrade of 'IP gig_ethernet_pcs_pma_basex_156_25' has identified issues that may require user intervention. Please verify that the instance is correctly configured, and review any upgrade messages.

But then, with command

ipbb vivado synth -j4 impl -j 4

I get a blocking error:

Detected runs in ERROR temac_gbe_v9_0_synth_1, gig_ethernet_pcs_pma_basex_156_25_synth_1. Exiting

I am using Vivado 2019.1

I am adding the two logs obtained by the commands


Thank you in advance

Ciao Giacomo,

Unfortunately the attached log files don't provide much insight on the source of the error as the OOC runs logs are elsewhere:


Anyways, based on the fact that ipbus is regularly built against Vivado 2019.2, I suspect that it might be a Vivado licence issue (those 2 cores can't be synthesised w/o a licence). Can you check and let us know?


Ciao Alessandro!

Thanks for the support. I had a look into the log files you have suggested and they both report the problem with the license.

Starting synth_design
Attempting to get a license for feature 'Synthesis' and/or device 'xcku040'
WARNING: [Common 17-348] Failed to get the license for feature 'Synthesis' and/or device 'xcku040'. Explanation: The license feature Synthesis could not be found.
Resolution: Check the status of your licenses in the Vivado License Manager. For debug help search Xilinx Support for "Licensing FAQ".
0 Infos, 1 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 1 Errors encountered.
synth_design failed
ERROR: [Common 17-345] A valid license was not found for feature 'Synthesis' and/or device 'xcku040'. Please run the Vivado License Manager for assistance in determining
which features and devices are licensed for your system.
Resolution: Check the status of your licenses in the Vivado License Manager. For debug help search Xilinx Support for "Licensing FAQ". If you are using a license server, verify that the license server is up and running a version of the xilinx daemon that is compatible with the version of Xilinx software that you are using. Please note that Vivado 2017.3 and later requires upgrading your license server tools to the Flex 11.14.1 tools. Please confirm with your license admin that the correct version of the license server tools are installed.
INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Tue Apr  6 11:22:26 2021...

I don't know the software so sorry in advance for the naive questions but...
Is there something I can do with the License?
Would installing Vivado 2019.2 be a solution?

Hi Giacomo,

If you are at CERN and using linux, then export XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE="2112@licenxilinx" should set things up to use the CERN Xilinx licences from the main server. (I'm not sure if the above licenses are in there, but I suspect they are.)


Thanks Dave, Jeroen.
I have done:

export XILINXD_LICENSE_FILE="2112@licenxilinx"
ipbb vivado make-project
ipbb vivado synth -j4 impl -j 4

and I managed to arrive to

kcu105: Implementation completed successfully.

Even if some warnings have been reported during both the make and the synth commands like

make-project | WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-2162] IP 'gig_ethernet_pcs_pma_basex_156_25' is locked:
make-project | WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-2162] IP 'temac_gbe_v9_0' is locked:

and many of

synth | ... Unused sequential element ...


synth | ... has unconnected port ...

I hope nothing important that blocks the main functionalities.
I will test it on the board and let you know the results! :)

Thanks ad cheers

Hi Dave,
ok the lock message you have reported is similar to the one in my output (of course considering the different hardware). Also the part related to the "Upgraded ..." is similar with my "Upgraded temac_gbe_v9_0..."

Even if in for gig_ethernet_pcs_pma_basex_156_25 I have:

Upgrading 'gig_ethernet_pcs_pma_basex_156_25'

followed by

WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-3501] Upgraded gig_ethernet_pcs_pma_basex_156_25 from 1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII 15.1 to 1G/2.5G Ethernet PCS/PMA or SGMII 16.1, with warnings. Please review the message log
CRITICAL WARNING: [Coretcl 2-1280] The upgrade of 'gig_ethernet_pcs_pma_basex_156_25' has identified issues that may require user intervention. Please verify that the instance is correctly configured, and review any upgrade messages.

I hope not so critical :)

Thanks for the investigation! 👍

Hi all,
I think I managed to compile and load the firmware.
Now I have plugged in the SFP0 case a SFP RJ45 and then connected it to the computer we use for programming the card with ethernet cable.
We tried to ping the board at address: (all switches are low)
but I don't get any answer.

I have checked few more things:

  • Connecting the same pc to another pc (my laptop) and I can ping it
  • I don't see any firewall intervention on the pc.
  • In particular first status LED is blinking
  • If I plug a SFP for optical fibers and I check the output with an oscilloscope, I see 1.25 Gbps

Maybe you have a suggestion on what kind of debugging I can do...
Is there a possibility to test the board in one of your test benches where you are sure that a kcu105 is working?

Thank you in advance


One problem people have encountered in the past with the KCU105 is the reference clock being at the wrong frequency [1]; have you set that to 156.25 MHz?

If you're still seeing problems after setting that, then the quickest way to debug the problem may be to add an ILA to monitor the signals out of the ethernet block. If packets are arriving at that level and no packets are being sent out, then it could be an ipbus issue. If no packets arrive, then it could either be a problem in the communication between the board and the switch, or between the FPGA and the SFP.


[1] #52

Thanks for the suggestion!
I am not sure about the clock frequency, so I will start from that as soon as I will have the setup back in the lab.
