
IPbus slave icap_us_usp gives data_valid always zero

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I have implemented ipbus_icap_us_usp into Kintex Utrascale.

I use Phyton script to read it:

I am not getting data_valid bit:

IPBus ICAP interface demo

Register reading:
icap_read data_valid:0
Failed to read ICAP register IDCODE
icap_read data_valid:0
Failed to read ICAP register STAT
icap_read data_valid:0
Failed to read ICAP register BOOTST
icap_read data_valid:0
Failed to read ICAP register AXSS

I have checked an implemented design in VIVADO and there are all connections for clk, reset, .....

Is there any other setting which must be applied ?

Best regards,


After implementing also IPROG, it started to give the data_valid -> 1.
Is it possible that ICAP took ICAPE3 from bottom ?

The problem solved.