lcd-cmd - a tool to work with Crystalfontz CFA-533 and CFA-566 LCD screens.
This code was built from the Crystalfontz example code
Usage: lcd-cmd [options]
-port: the TTY this talks to like "/dev/ttyS0" or "/dev/usb/ttyUSB0" (default: /dev/ttyUSB0)
-baud: is 19200 or 115200 (default: 19200)
-clear: clear the LCD screen. If lines to display are set, this is done before displaying them.
-line1 "string": Set the first line of the LCD to this value. String must be 16 characters or less.
-line2 "string": Set the second line of the LCD to this value. String must be 16 characters or less.
-lines "line1" "line2": Set line1 and line2 of the LCD to these values. Strings must be 16 characters or less.
-setboot: set LCD screen nv memory to the contents of the screen. Will be done after line1 and line2 are processed, if set.
Clone this repo and run make
. A standard C compiler is needed on your system.
lcd-cmd - a tool to work with CrystalFontz CFA-533 and CFA-566 LCD screens
Usage: lcd-cmd [options]
-port: the TTY this talks to like "/dev/ttyS0" or "/dev/usb/ttyUSB0" (default: /dev/ttyUSB0)
-baud: is 19200 or 115200 (default: 19200)
-clear: clear the LCD screen. If lines to display are set, this is done before displaying them.
-brightness S T: Set the brigtness of the screen and touchpad (between 0 - 100)
-contrast VALUE: Set the contrast of the screen (between 0 - 200)
-line1 "string": Set the first line of the LCD to this value. String must be 16 characters or less.
-line2 "string": Set the second line of the LCD to this value. String must be 16 characters or less.
-lines "line1" "line2": Set line1 and line2 of the LCD to these values. Strings must be 16 characters or less.
-gpioconfigure INDEX enable|disable TYPE: Configure GPIO index to enable or disable (0|1) and the configuration type. Both are required. Index and TYPEs are described below.
-gpioset INDEX VALUE: Set GPIO index to value. Index values are described below. Value must be from 0 to 100. Note, GPIO configuration may need to be set first!
-gpioget INDEX: Get the GPIO configuration at index. Index values are described below.
-setboot: set LCD screen nv memory to the contents and configuration of the screen. Will be done after all other actions are processed.
-reboot: reboot the LCD screen. Useful for testing boot state.
-ping: ping the device for a response.
GPIO notes:
Index (NUM) and location:
0 = J8, Pin 7
1 = J8, Pin 6
2 = J8, Pin 5
3 = J8, Pin 4
4 = J9, Pin 2
Values for GPIO set:
Set values may be from 0 to 100 with 0 being 'off' and 100 being 'on'. 1-99 are output duty cycle percentages.
Configure TYPE may be one of the following:
0 - 1=Resistive Pull Up, 0=Fast, Strong Drive Down
1 - 1=Fast, Strong Drive Up, 0=Fast, Strong Drive Down
2 - Hi-Z, use for input
3 - 1=Resistive Pull Up, 0=Fast, Strong Drive Down
4 - 1=Slow, Strong Drive Up, 0=Hi-Z
5 - 1=Slow, Strong Drive Up, 0=Slow, Strong Drive Down
7 - 1=Hi-Z, 0=Slow, Strong Drive Down