mlxsh is the missing, fast power command-line and shell that enables you to enter configuration changes or run commands simultaneously to groups of Brocade or Extreme Networks Netiron devices (MLX, CER, MLXE, XMR, ICX, Ironware), SLX-Devices or Juniper switches via Secure Shell (ssh).
- 0xliam
- aaglenn
- adstanley
- AlexRichards
- antzucaroReston, Virginia
- bengelly
- bwksAustralia
- craighu
- crainte
- cregan
- dalbertoSet Labs
- denjiKyiv, UA
- empi89
- evilpeno
- FlorianHeiglGermany
- Gracefulrestart
- Ichbinich81
- ipcjkMunich, Germany
- johnnynieves
- kcherry497
- micahqcade
- MisterCalvin
- qiangyt
- sarogMontreal
- sriioFrance, Bretagne
- thomaritelondon
- waqasrazCalgary
- Wyattsb
- zeki893