Replace System YouTube Music

Magisk Module
Simple module that will replace system installed YouTube Music


This module was written to remove the system YouTube Music that comes with stock Google Android.
YouTube Music v4.33.56 is the version packaged in Android 12
YouTube Music v5.04.51 is the version packaged in Android 13

This is done by using Magisk to overlay the files in /system/product/app/YouTubeMusicPrebuilt/ with zero byte files.


Available in the releases tab. Link


  • Copy the zip file to the device.
  • Open Magisk Manager, select Modules and then Install from storage.
  • Reboot device.


  • Not planned for long-term support. (Currently used as a work-a-round.)
  • Feel free to use, change, improve, adapt.
  • Remember to share.


  • The Android Community and everyone who has helped me learn through the years.
  • John Wu (@topjohnwu) for all things Magisk.