
Extracts synonyms for various terms, exploiting the redirects between terms in Wikipedia

Primary LanguagePHP


TASK: Build a synonym table from Wikipedia

  1. Download a Wikipedia dump using the instructions at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download and store it in a MySQL database.

  2. The Wikipedia is stored in a relational database, using the following schema. http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Database_layout We are only interested in two tables: "Page" and "Redirect" (see the lower right part of the schema). You can find the necessary files at http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/ which allow you to download each table individually.

The documentation for the redirect table is at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Redirect_table The SQL file for creating the redirect table in a MySQL database is at http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-redirect.sql.gz It is a 75Mb compressed file (~250Mb uncompressed)

The documentation for the page table is at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Page_table The SQL file for creating the page table in a MySQL database is at http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-page.sql.gz It is a 860Mb compressed file (~2.5Gb uncompressed)

  1. Create a MySQL database with these two tables.

  2. Using the redirect table, and the page table, we want a two column output that lists which page redirects to which. We need: a. The page_id of the "from" page [from the "redirect" table] b. The namespace and title of the "from" page [taken from the "page" table] c. The namespace and title of the "to" page [taken from the "redirect" table] d. The page_id of the "to" page (to which the page redirects) [taken from the "page" table]

  3. Using the table created in Step 4, we want to have web service that: a. takes as input a term b. checks if the term exists in Wikipedia (as title either for a page or for a redirect) b1. if it does not exist, returns an empty response, potentially with an error message c. if the terms exists as a page/redirect, checks if it is a base page or a redirect page c1. if it is a redirect page, find the base page that this term redirects to and then perform step 5 again until finding a base page d. using the base page title, return as synonyms all the terms that redirect to this base page

[Required component: The Steps 1-3 should be "almost automated". This means that there should be a script that we can run every month that fetches the new data from Wikipedia and updates the tables with the newest available data]

[Optional component: Check for disambiguation pages, using the "category" table in Wikipedia, and marking as disambiguation pages all pages within http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Disambiguation_pages You will need to fetch a the extra necessary tables from http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/ ]

[Optional component: Restrict the entries in the page table to be only entries for which we know to be an "oDesk skill" and we have a Wikipedia page. We will provide you with the dictionary of skills that we use within oDesk]

Expand the Wikipedia Synonyms service as follows:


Steps 1-3:

curl http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-page.sql.gz -o page.sql.gz
gunzip page.sql.gz

curl http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-pagelinks.sql.gz -o pagelinks.sql.gz
gunzip pagelinks.sql.gz

curl http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-categorylinks.sql.gz -o categorylinks.sql.gz
gunzip categorylinks.sql.gz

curl http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-redirect.sql.gz -o redirect.sql.gz
gunzip redirect.sql.gz

mysql --host=... --user=... --pass=... DB_NAME < page.sql

mysql --host=... --user=... --pass=... DB_NAME < pagelinks.sql

mysql --host=... --user=... --pass=... DB_NAME < categorylinks.sql

mysql --host=... --user=... --pass=... DB_NAME < redirect.sql

These commands take approximately 2 hours to execute on Amazon RDS/MySQL (5 minutes for redirect.sql, two hours for page.sql), using the db.m2.4xlarge instance class. The tables are big, and you will need at least 10Gb free (preferably more, for peace of mind). Expect 6-7M entries in the redirect table and 27-30M entries for the page table.

Step 4: After you have a db you create the table described in No 4:

CREATE TABLE page_relation (
  sid int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
  tid int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
  snamespace int NOT NULL,
  tnamespace int NOT NULL,
  stitle varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL,
  ttitle varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL,
  stitle_cs varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
  ttitle_cs varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (sid, tid)

CREATE INDEX ix_sid ON page_relation (sid);  
CREATE INDEX ix_tid ON page_relation (tid);

CREATE INDEX ix_stitle ON page_relation (stitle);
CREATE INDEX ix_ttitle ON page_relation (ttitle);

CREATE INDEX ix_stitle_cs ON page_relation (stitle_cs);
CREATE INDEX ix_ttitle_cs ON page_relation (ttitle_cs);

and after that you can populate that

INSERT IGNORE INTO page_relation
SELECT s.rd_from as sid, t.page_id as tid, p.page_namespace as snamespace, t.page_namespace as tnamespace, p.page_title as stitle, t.page_title as ttitle, p.page_title as stitle_cs, t.page_title as ttitle_cs 
FROM redirect s 
JOIN page p ON (s.rd_from = p.page_id)
JOIN page t ON (s.rd_namespace = t.page_namespace AND s.rd_title = t.page_title);

This query will need approximately an hour to execute and the table will have 6M-7M entries.

Since the queries will be executed mainly on that table, once you create the page_relation table, you will want to create indexes on all attributes

CREATE INDEX ix_stitle_cs ON DB_NAME.page_relation (stitle_cs)

CREATE INDEX ix_ttitle_cs ON DB_NAME.page_relation (ttitle_cs)

CREATE INDEX ix_stitle ON DB_NAME.page_relation (stitle)

CREATE INDEX ix_ttitle ON DB_NAME.page_relation (ttitle)

CREATE INDEX ix_sid ON DB_NAME.page_relation (sid)
CREATE INDEX ix_tid ON DB_NAME.page_relation (tid)


We do not need to worry about chains of redirects. The query

	page_relation WHERE tid IN (SELECT sid FROM page_relation);

returns very few results, which are already fixed in the actual Wikipedia (so there seems to be an automatic process that fixes that part)

Step 5: For this part of the project we created a mini platform with 2 actions (search and api).

Search action implements a graphical representation of the search results whereas Ajax performs as service an return a json encoded data set.

A. Search

By visiting project/search you are asked to enter a term to search and if synonyms found they are return as an ordered list.


By visiting project/api/{TERM} the search results are returned as a json encoded array

{http: status code, message: status message, terms: [Array of terms]}


coming soon

Step 6: Enhancement: We added a feature to search disambiguation pages so we add extra synonyms when searching for a keyword.

We use 1 query to determine if a page is a disambiguous one and if it is an extra one to fetch those page links.

Determine if disambiguation:

SELECT categorylinks.cl_to 
FROM page 
JOIN categorylinks 
ON categorylinks.cl_from = page.page_id 
WHERE page.page_namespace = 0 AND page.page_title = 'OUR_PAGE_TITLE';

Fetch disambiguation page links:

SELECT * FROM pagelinks WHERE pl_namespace = 0 AND  pl_from = 'DISAMBIGUATION_PAGE_ID';

thus we have a change in our service (ajax) we now get a json encoded array result like this:

{synonyms:[], disambiguation:[], total:NUM}

TODO: Enhance queries on 6 for faster results.

NEW!!! determine if disambiguation:

SELECT page.page_title as page, GROUP_CONCAT(categorylinks.cl_to) as categories 
FROM page 
JOIN categorylinks 
ON categorylinks.cl_from = page.page_id 
WHERE page.page_namespace = 0 AND page.page_title IN --ARRAY_OF_PAGES-- GROUP BY page.page_title;

Step 7: Enhancement: Integrating with oDesk skills.

(Issue #6 implementation)

Create a table with the list of oDesk skills:

CREATE TABLE /*_*/odesk_skills (
  skill varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
  pretty_name varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL,
  external_link varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  description TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  wikipedia_page_id int NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  freebase_machine_id varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL
COLLATE = utf8_general_ci;

CREATE INDEX /*i*/os_pretty_name ON /*_*/odesk_skills (pretty_name);

After that we search for skills in odesk skills table that match our synonyms and return them as array:


Step 8: Issues with capitalization and matching. (Issue #12)

We execute the query first and then we execute the case insensitive one if no results from the first one. Though the query takes too long to be executed due to the on-the-fly conversion of the collation, so that should be a temporary solution.

TODO: The best solution would be in step 4 to create a double table where we use case sensitive collation to perform the query without conversion on-the-fly.

Created 2 extra columns (see build) stitle_cs and ttitle_cs with case sensitive collation to search and resolve capitalization issues.


A. Requirements

  1. PHP >= 5.2 (>=5.3 recommended)
  2. Apatche WEB server
  3. MySQL

B. DB setup

  1. Create a DB
  2. Run /wikisyno_structure.sql to create schema and then /odesk_skills.sql to add odesk skills to the db.
  3. Fetch and import latest data from mediawiki. (heavy process!!!)
curl http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-page.sql.gz -o page.sql.gz
gunzip page.sql.gz

curl http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-pagelinks.sql.gz -o pagelinks.sql.gz
gunzip pagelinks.sql.gz

curl http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-categorylinks.sql.gz -o categorylinks.sql.gz
gunzip categorylinks.sql.gz

curl http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/latest/enwiki-latest-redirect.sql.gz -o redirect.sql.gz
gunzip redirect.sql.gz

mysql --host=... --user=... --pass=... DB_NAME < page.sql

mysql --host=... --user=... --pass=... DB_NAME < pagelinks.sql

mysql --host=... --user=... --pass=... DB_NAME < categorylinks.sql

mysql --host=... --user=... --pass=... DB_NAME < redirect.sql

These commands take approximately 2 hours to execute on Amazon RDS/MySQL (5 minutes for redirect.sql, two hours for page.sql), using the db.m2.4xlarge instance class. The tables are big, and you will need at least 10Gb free (preferably more, for peace of mind). Expect 6-7M entries in the redirect table and 27-30M entries for the page table.

  1. Populate & setup intermediate table (page_relation) by running the queries bellow:

(heavy process!!!)

INSERT IGNORE INTO page_relation
SELECT s.rd_from as sid, 
      t.page_id as tid, 
      p.page_namespace as snamespace,
      t.page_namespace as tnamespace, 
      p.page_title as stitle, 
      t.page_title as ttitle 
FROM redirect s 
JOIN page p ON (s.rd_from = p.page_id)
JOIN page t ON (s.rd_namespace = t.page_namespace AND s.rd_title = t.page_title);

This query will need approximately an hour to execute and the table will have 6M-7M entries.

Since the queries will be executed mainly on that table, once you create the page_relation table, you will want to create indexes on all attributes

CREATE INDEX ix_stitle_cs ON DB_NAME.page_relation (stitle_cs);

CREATE INDEX ix_ttitle_cs ON DB_NAME.page_relation (ttitle_cs);

CREATE INDEX ix_stitle ON DB_NAME.page_relation (stitle);

CREATE INDEX ix_ttitle ON DB_NAME.page_relation (ttitle);

CREATE INDEX ix_sid ON DB_NAME.page_relation (sid);
CREATE INDEX ix_tid ON DB_NAME.page_relation (tid);

B. Application setup

Rename /config/config_dist.php to /config/config.php Then edit the file and adjust parameters to your db connection.

C. Running the Application

GUI version: Navigate to your BASE_URL/search. There you can enter your query in the field and search for synonyms.

API version: Navigate to your BASE_URL/api/{term} This will return a JSON encoded response with the results from search. FORMAT:

{http: status code, message: status message, terms: [Array of terms]}

D. Running Tests


-PHPUnit --v3.7

-X-Debug (v2.2 +)


Edit /tests/config/config.php

Create DB with the same schema (see installation). We create second one so you can run your tests with the fixtures provided.

When testing the test DB will de re-populated to assert results.