A cross-platform financial charting application to showcase the functionality of d3fc components.

Visit the website to view the application.

Version Build status View
Latest release (Master) Build Status http://scottlogic.github.io/BitFlux/master/
Development Build Status http://scottlogic.github.io/BitFlux/develop/


npm, the package manager for Node.js, is used to manage the project's dependencies. Grunt, a JavaScript task runner, is used to test and build the project.

Initial Setup

  • Download or clone this repository locally
  • Ensure Node.js, which includes npm, is installed
  • Ensure Grunt is installed:
npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Navigate to the root of your local copy of this project and install the dependencies:
npm install
  • Perform an initial build:


Local server

To run on local server, run the grunt task:

grunt serve

The project is then accessible at http://localhost:PORTNUMBER

GitHub Pages

For this option to be available, you should have forked the ScottLogic/BitFlux repository to your GitHub account.

To run on GitHub Pages, run the grunt command:

grunt deploy

The project is then accessible at the obvious address (USERNAME.github.io/REPO-NAME).


To run a development build on a local server, run the grunt task:

grunt dev

The project is then accessible at http://localhost:PORTNUMBER

This will also start a watch task on the repository, and cause grunt to rebuild and reload the project once any file is changed.


To run the unit tests, run the grunt command:

grunt test

To generate a code coverage report, run

grunt test:coverage


This project is licensed under the MIT License.