
A Scheme-like programming language running in the browser.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Λилия / Lilia

Lilia is a Scheme-like programming language running in the browser. The main goal of the language is to be easily translated to non-English languages. Since I'm a Bulgarian, the second language for the interpreter is Bulgarian. You can try the demo here. Another goal is to provide descriptive error messages but this is still work in progress.

How to use

Add Lilia to your page by adding the following markup to your HTML:

<script src="path/to/lilia-packed.js"></script>

The code adds a global varialbe lilia which is an entry point for the JavaScript API.

The JavaScript API is: lilia.session([language='en'])

Starts a new session of the interpreter in the given language. The default language is English (en). All code, evaluated in a single session, shares a common global environment.

var session = lilia.session('en');
var result = session.evaluate('(list 1 2 3)');

Every session has the following method:


Evaluates the given code in the common environment of the session and returns the result of the evaluation. The result is an object with the following methods:


Converts a result from an evaluation to Scheme external representation.

var session = lilia.session('en');
var result = session.evaluate('(list 1 2 3)');
// prints (1 2 3)


Converts recursively a result from an evaluation to JavaScript objects. Primitive types are reused (booleans, numbers). Proper lists and vectors are converted to arrays. Association lists are converted to plain objects.

var session = lilia.session('en');
var result = session.evaluate('(list 1 2 3)');
// prints [1, 2, 3]

Implementation status

Lilia is based on the R7RS(small) Scheme report. There are still some inconsistencies and missing parts from the specification. The main are:

  • no numeric tower, only the floats used in JavaScript
  • no macros
  • still some unimplemented procedures
  • no bytevectors and records yet

What is in Lilia?

  • All vector, pair, list procedures
  • Most of the number procedures
  • tail calls
  • call/cc
