A Storehouse

A container is represented by instances of the Container class. Each container is placed on a stack of containers (StackOfContainers). All stacks are inside a storage (Storage).

Adding containers to the storage is done with

storage.addContainer(/*name:*/ "AA", /*stack id:*/ 0);

After the storage is filled with some containers the robot can move containers using the following commands:

MoveCommand moveCommand = new MoveCommand(storage, /*from:*/ "AC", /*to:*/ "CC", history);

The history (an instance of CommandHistory) maintains a stack of commands and can be used to undo latest commands. Undoing commands is done with:

// or

Redoing the command is done by calling execute() again.


Fill commands are issued with:

FillCommand fillCommand = new FillCommand(storage, /*target:*/ "AC", /*fluid:*/ 10, history);

After a command is issued it checks for available strategies that can fulfill the command. Each strategy is implemented with a pair of classes. One, named a decision and implementing the Decision<> interface, checks if it knows whether it can fulfill the command, and another class that makes the necessary actions to fulfill the command. For example the DirectMoveDecision checks if the first container is already on top of its stack so it can be moved directly on top of the second container. An instance of the DirectMover class actually carries the command and performs the necessary moves (in this case only one move).

The move command and its strategies are placed in the package bg.ipelovski.storehouse.command.move, and the fill command and its strategies are placed in the package bg.ipelovski.storehouse.command.fill.

Usages of the commands can be found in the Application class and inside the few test classes.

Building the project

Using maven, type the following commands:

mvn package

to compile the project and run the tests, and

mvn exec:java

to run the Application main method that performs some move and fill commands and prints the result to the CLI.

Disclaimer: The current implementation of the storehouse contains bugs and certainly can be improved in lot of ways, but it runs somehow in its current implementation.