

Primary LanguagePostScript

Release notes -- March 21, 2007 (MSD)

The osameet2 package provides tools for preparing a LaTeX manuscript for submission to an OSA conference or meeting.
The package contains the following:

1. osameet2.sty: LaTeX style file, replaces osameet.sty
2. osameetings.tex: template and style guide
3. osameetings.pdf: compiled template and style guide
4. osajnl.bst: BibTeX style file suitable for OSA journal, meeting, and conference submissions
5. sample EPS and PDF figure files
6. required package files geometry and cite (included for reference; users should obtain latest versions from CTAN or a recent TeX build)

Comments and questions should be directed to the OSA Technical Papers Department (tel: +1 202.416.6191,  e-mail: cstech@osa.org).