Crust Macrofracturing as Evidence of Last Deglaciation

This repository contains data and code used for the research.


2D-Code contains scipts and input data for both Moho map computation ( and map of low S-velocity layer presence (

Input data

  • moho_stations_deg.csv - list of stations in the following format: StationCode;Longitude(degrees);Latitude(degrees);MohoDepth(km)
  • moho_class_ext2.csv - list of stations in the following format: StationCode;Longitude(degrees);Latitude(degrees);0/1


  • moho_cv_score.csv - Mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE) vs. neighboor count (NN): NN;MAE;RMSE

  • moho_map_data.csv - Moho depth values with rows as X and columns as Y. First column are Xs.

  • res2_df.csv - ROC AUC value vs. neighboor count (NN): NN;ROC_AUC

  • Vs_low_layer_map_ext_class_nn4_v10.csv - Low S-velocity layer presence map


Input data

  • sveka_xyz_vs_0p10.asc - Vs values under the stations: x y Depth Vs

  • - generates root mean squared error (RMSE) for various NN and Scale parameter values. Outputs sveka_Vs_rmse.csv n,Scale,NNb,RMSE

  • - generates horizontal profiles for various NN and Scale parameter values. Outputs sveka_Vs_horz_0_40_40.csv n,x,y,z,Vs,lon,lat

  • - generates vertical profiles for various NN and Scale parameter values between given points A(lon1,lat1) and B(lon2,lat2). Units are degrees. Outputs sveka_Vs_vert_J10-J01.csv n,x,y,z,Vs,l where l is distance from A to current point in km.