
How to update Intel ME firmware for Lenovo T460 using Linux

How to update Intel ME firmware for Lenovo T460 using Linux

TL;DR - Intel and Lenovo release the firmware updates as Windows executables so you'll have to build a USB drive with Windows PE with all the necessary drivers and update utilities. You boot your PC with the USB and execute the updates from WinPE. If you have an spare PC with Windows, you're lucky and can skip all the virtual machine part, if you don't, you can use use a virtualized Windows 10 for the USB preparation.

I spent 2 days fiddling with Windows PE 7 (x86) but didn't managed to get it to work. Using Windows 10 (amd64) worked just fine.


The contents of this document are provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. This document could contain technical inaccuracies, typographical errors and out-of-date information. This document may be updated or changed without notice at any time. Use of the information is therefore at your own risk.

Emulating Windows 10 using VirtualBox

For Windows 10 emulation you'll need VirtualBox and because we'll emulate a 64bit Windows 10 machine, you must have Intel VT-X enabled.

Instead of creating a virtual machine from scratch, we can use the work done by Microsoft. Microsoft releases a set of virtual machines with some combination of operating system and browser version. This machines are Enterprise versions of Windows and the license is a valid one for 90 days.

Visit Microsoft Edge VM website and download the file select:

  • Virtual machine: MSEdge on Win10(64bit) Stable (16.16299)
  • Select platform: VirtualBox
  • Click: Download ZIP

Note: The zip file is a ~4.9GB file.

VM download

After downloading the MSEdge.Win10.VirtualBox.zip you must unzip it to get a final MSEdge - Win10.ova file.

Import the Windows 10 ova file

  • File > Import Appliance


  • Select the file MSEdge - Win10.ova

    Appliance to import

  • Modify the CPU count to 2

    Appliance settings

  • Click Import and wait ...

    Importing appliance

Modify display settings

  • Use 128MB of Video Memory and enabled 3D Acceleration

    Display settings

Adding an extra drive to the VM

I didn't manage to make VirtualBox to detect and share a physical USB to the guest machine -- even with Oracle's extension pack. My workaround was to add an extra virtual disk (.vdi) and use it as a USB device on Windows.

Let's create a 1GB additional disk

  • Select the machine MSEdge - Win10

    Select vm

  • Click Settings button

    VM settings

  • Click Storage option

    VM storage

  • Under the main IDE controller, click the Add hard drive

    Add hard drive

  • Select Create new disk

    Create new disk

  • Select VDI (Virtual Box Image)

    Select VDI

  • Select Fixed size

    Fixed size

  • Save the usb.vdi in a known location and use 1.00 GB as size

    1GB vdi

  • Click Create

Starting the VM

  • Select the MSEdge - Win 10 machine

  • Click Start

    Start VM

  • Now you have a running Windows 10 VM

Modifying the VM display resolution

To have a more comfortable workspace, modify the default display resolution.

  • Right-click on the Desktop

  • Select Display settings

    Display settings

  • Select 1280 x 960 option

  • Select Keep changes

    Keep changes

Formatting extra drive (usb.vdi)

  • Click Windows key

  • Type disk partitions

  • Select Create and format hard disk partitions

    Select format and hard disk partitions

  • Select MBR for Disk 1

    Select MBR

  • Select Disk 1

  • Right-click on the disk and select New Simple Volume

    New Simple Volume

  • Accept all defaults and assign drive letter D

  • Format with FAT32 file system


  • Format the drive by clicking Finish


  • You have now 2 drives and we'll use D: as a USB drive

    2 Drives

Installing Windows ADK

  • Windows Performance Toolkit
  • Microsoft User Experience Virtualization (UE-V) Template
  • Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) Sequencer
  • Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) Auto Sequencer

ADK features

  • Click Install -- and wait, you'll download ~ 6.4 GB

Win PE download

Customizing a Windows PE

The available documentation in Microsoft Docs gives you all you need to customize a Windows PE.

  • Use the Windows key

  • Search for deployment

  • Right-click in the option Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment

  • Run as administrator

    Deployment tools

  • Using the console: copype amd64 C:\WinPE_amd64


  • We're now ready to load some additional drivers

Intel Chipset and ME drivers

In order to use the firmware update you need to have some additional drivers in WinPE environment. You can find the required drivers on Lenovo's support portal under the Chipset section.

In my case I downloaded:

Additional drivers

  • Save the files and execute them. This are self extractable zip files.
  • NOTE: Make sure you don't attempt to install this drivers on the virtual machine.
  • Use the default path to extract the content:
    • C:\DRIVERS\WIN\Chipset

Extracting the content of the driver executables

  • The first folder C:\DRIVERS\WIN\ME contains the firmware (.bin files) plus the necessary script to update: MEUpdate.CMD -- We'll add this folder to the WinPE distribution.

  • Using the same console...

  • Move to C:\DRIVERS\WIN\MEI

  • Create a new folder name Drivers

    • mkdir Drivers
  • Execute SetupME.exe using the flags -A and -P to extract the content of the file

    • SetupME.exe -A -P C:\DRIVERS\WIN\MEI\Drivers

    MEI extract

  • You'll find 2 new folders in under the Drivers, HECI_REL and SOL_REL


  • Move to the Chipset folder

    • cd C:\DRIVERS\WIN\Chipset
  • Create a Drivers folder inside

    • mkdir Drivers

    Chipset drivers

  • Execute SetupChipset.exe with -extract flags

    • SetupChipset.exe -extract C:\DRIVERS\WIN\Chipset\Drivers

    Chipset drivers extract

  • List the files under Drivers and you'll find a folder per processor architecture. I'll use the skylake in this case

    Chipset drivers list

Customizing our WinPE environment with the firmware and drivers

The Microsoft documentation shows how to mount and customize our WinPE.

  • Mount the image file

    • Dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:"C:\WinPE_amd64\media\sources\boot.wim" /index:1 /MountDir:"C:\WinPE_amd64\mount"

    Dism 1

  • Add the Intel Chipset driver

    • Dism /Add-Driver /Image:"C:\WinPE_amd64\mount" /Driver:"C:\DRIVERS\WIN\Chipset\Drivers\skylake\SkylakeSystem.inf"

    Dism 2

  • Add the Intel ME driver

    • Dism /Add-Driver /Image:"C:\WinPE_amd64\mount" /Driver:"C:\DRIVERS\WIN\MEI\Drivers\HECI_REL\win10\heci.inf"

    Dism 3

    • Dism /Add-Driver /Image:"C:\WinPE_amd64\mount" /Driver:"C:\DRIVERS\WIN\MEI\Drivers\SOL_REL\mesrl.inf"

    Dism 4

  • Add the firmware update and script by copying the C:\DRIVERS\WIN\* folder to the mount point

    • xcopy /s C:\DRIVERS\WIN\* C:\WinPE_amd64\mount
    • NOTE: While is not strictly necessary to copy the drivers binaries I did it for troubleshooting


  • Add more temporary space

    • Dism /Set-ScratchSpace:512 /Image:"C:\WinPE_amd64\mount"

    Dism 5

  • Unmount the file and commit the changes

    • Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:"C:\WinPE_amd64\mount" /commit

    Dism 6

Create a bootable media

  • We'll use the extra drive added to the virtual machine

  • MakeWinPEMedia /UFD C:\WinPE_amd64 D:

    Make media

Burning the created media to a USB drive

  • Make sure to shutdown the Windows 10 virtual machine

  • We have a bootable media under a .vdi format and we need to convert it to be able to burn it

  • Using VBoxManage we'll convert the .vdi in raw format. NOTE: Change the command to the correct path to usb.vdi

    VBoxManage clonehd usb.vdi winpe_amd.img --format RAW 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% Clone medium created in format 'RAW'. UUID: b4e20b0b-302d-44d4-8b10-40801fb35b88

  • Using dd you can copy the resulting winpe_amd64.img to your usb.

WARNING: Make sure you choose the correct output otherwise you could delete something from your computer

In my case /dev/sdb is the USB device

sudo dd if=winpe_amd.img of=/dev/sdb bs=4M
256+0 records in
256+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB, 1.0 GiB) copied, 87.5253 s, 12.3 MB/s

Booting from USB and executing the firmware update

  • Hit <ENTER> when the Lenovo logo shows up

  • Select an alternative boot device - Your USB drive

    Boot Menu

  • Wait for Windows PE to boot

  • Move to X:\ME\ -- cd X:\ME

  • Execute UpdateME.CMD


  • Wait for the update to finish

    MEUpdate 2

    MEUpdate 3

  • Use wpeutil shutdown to shutdown

