
Docker container usage

The docker image is hosted on sagecontinuum.

Build the image:

docker build  -t sagecontinuum/plugin-smokedetect:ai-gateway-demo .

Run the container:

docker run sagecontinuum/plugin-smokedetect:ai-gateway-demo --siteID 0 --cameraType 0

Example output

Example output of the plugin:

Get image from HPWREN Camera
Image url: http://hpwren.ucsd.edu/cameras/L/bm-n-mobo-c.jpg
Description: Big Black Mountain North Color Original
Perform an inference based on trainned model
Fire, 71.29%

Setup for MIC to upload model to MINT:

mic pkg start --name smoke-detection

After this point mic will take you to the docker container that it created to encapsulate the model. MIC will ask for a framework/language. For this model, pick generic since its using python3.6 and this model uses python3.6.

Select a option <enum 'Framework'> (generic, python3.7, python3.8, conda4.7.12): generic

After this point, mic takes you to the docker enviroment to setup the encapsulation:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
mic pkg trace python3 main.py --cameraType 0 --siteID 0
mic pkg parameters -f mic/mic.yaml -n siteID -v 0 -d 'Input parameter used to provide the hpwren camera site'
mic pkg parameters -f mic/mic.yaml -n cameraType -v 0 -d 'Input parameter used to provide the hpwren camera type'
mic pkg inputs
mic pkg outputs
mic pkg wrapper
mic pkg run

If all the commands were successful, mic will prompt you to exit the docker container by typing exit. Now we are going to upload the model to MIC (assumes the right credentials are already set).

mic pkg upload

mic will prompt you with information about the model.

Check with dame (assumes wifire profile is set in credentials):

dame run a365022a-8ccb-47e5-89aa-3560c0cf8f2e -p wifire

dame will prompt you with the following questions and with the answers:

To run this model configuration,a hpwren_py file (.py file) is required.
Please enter a url: hpwren.py
To run this model configuration,a inference_py file (.py file) is required.
Please enter a url: inference.py
To run this model configuration,a model_tflite file (.tflite file) is required.
Please enter a url: model.tflite
To run this model configuration,a __pycache___zip file (.zip file) is required.
Please enter a url: https://s3.mint.mosorio.dev/components/mint_component_20210609-133724.zip

Next you can edit the default parameters or not:

Do you want to edit the parameters? [y/N]: N

Finally you can run the docker container and get your results:

Do you want to proceed and submit it for execution? [Y/n]: Y

Setup for MIC to upload model to MINT using notebooks:

First need to prepare your binder repository Next, expose software inputs and outputs. This is already done for this notebook. [Convert the repository to a software component] (https://mic-cli.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebooks/convert_repository/):

mic notebook read https://github.com/iperezx/edge-plugin-smokedetect

The command should generate the following main.cwl file:

- --
baseCommand: /app/cwl/bin/main
class: CommandLineTool
cwlVersion: v1.1
    dockerImageId: r2d-2fvar-2ffolders-2fj6-2ff847737s17s4hwjc1g8n46600000gn-2ft-2frepo2cwl-5fsa7v7oym-2frepo1623273231
      prefix: --cameraType
    type: int
      prefix: --modelPath
    type: File
      prefix: --siteID
    type: int
      glob: ./hpwren-image-used-for-inference.jpeg
    type: File
      glob: ./model-inference-results.json
    type: File
    networkAccess: true

Test the configuration file with a values.yaml file:

cameraType: 0
siteID: 0
  class: File
  path: /Users/iperezx/Documents/edge-plugin-smokedetect/model.tflite

cwltool main.cwl values.yaml

Expected output should be:

... Starting smoke detection inferencing Get image from HPWREN Camera Image url: http://hpwren.ucsd.edu/cameras/L/tje-1-mobo-c.jpg Description: Unknown direction Color Original Perform an inference based on trainned model Fire, 62.04% INFO [job main.cwl] Max memory used: 108MiB INFO [job main.cwl] completed success { "imagePath": { "location": "file:///Users/iperezx/Documents/edge-plugin-smokedetect/hpwren-image-used-for-inference.jpeg", "basename": "hpwren-image-used-for-inference.jpeg", "class": "File", "checksum": "sha1$e98f05c7871a47e3543c91b75bcb1a5efcefbdb3", "size": 3300, "path": "/Users/iperezx/Documents/edge-plugin-smokedetect/hpwren-image-used-for-inference.jpeg" }, "resultsPath": { "location": "file:///Users/iperezx/Documents/edge-plugin-smokedetect/model-inference-results.json", "basename": "model-inference-results.json", "class": "File", "checksum": "sha1$221b0f02811f658726bc116c446b6e1e9df559ff", "size": 283, "path": "/Users/iperezx/Documents/edge-plugin-smokedetect/model-inference-results.json" } }

Finally the upload part:
Upload Docker Image:

mic notebook upload-image main.cwl

Upload Model Component

mic notebook upload-component main.cwl values.yaml

Now test with `dame`:

dame run 9b2d70e9-e6f9-4ac4-9dff-62b8e1991080 -p wifire

Prompts you for the path of the `model.tflite`:

To run this model configuration,a modelPath file (.unknown file) is required. Please enter a url: model.tflite

`dame` will generate multiple .yaml files to run now with `cwltool`:

cwltool /Users/iperezx/Documents/edge-plugin-smokedetect/spec.yaml /Users/iperezx/Documents/edge-plugin-smokedetect/values.yml

If successfull, this is the expected output:

... Starting smoke detection inferencing Get image from HPWREN Camera Image url: http://hpwren.ucsd.edu/cameras/L/tje-1-mobo-c.jpg Description: Unknown direction Color Original Perform an inference based on trainned model Fire, 67.10% INFO [job spec.yaml] Max memory used: 108MiB INFO [job spec.yaml] completed success { "imagePath": { "location": "file:///Users/iperezx/Documents/edge-plugin-smokedetect/hpwren-image-used-for-inference.jpeg", "basename": "hpwren-image-used-for-inference.jpeg", "class": "File", "checksum": "sha1$bea7edd55cf9b2c9a81ceaebc7c5213b5fb5fd2c", "size": 3266, "path": "/Users/iperezx/Documents/edge-plugin-smokedetect/hpwren-image-used-for-inference.jpeg" }, "resultsPath": { "location": "file:///Users/iperezx/Documents/edge-plugin-smokedetect/model-inference-results.json", "basename": "model-inference-results.json", "class": "File", "checksum": "sha1$b6f4b4cf5a16f4ffa6f52dc0b62ee48503285144", "size": 283, "path": "/Users/iperezx/Documents/edge-plugin-smokedetect/model-inference-results.json" } } INFO Final process status is success