Creates Debian Package that set's up DHCP, NFS, and TFTP service on NX to allow for PXE booting a RPI4. Build's out RPI overlay rootfs and boot files inside package. All together the package is ~300MB.
To build a version of this debian package simply run the script:
In return, the script will return a versioned sage-rpi-pxeboot debian package.
For example: sage-rpi-pxeboot_0.0.2.local-48b5c7d_all.deb
If you wanted to install this debian-package to allow for an rpi to pxe-boot off of your machine, simply use the dpkg -i option.
For example:
dpkg -i sage-rpi-pxeboot_0.0.2.local-48b5c7d_all.deb
Following the execution of this command, all services and files neccessary for pxe-booting will be on your machine. To confirm,
cat /etc/sage-utils/dhcp-pxe/version
This version should match the filename of the deb package installed (besides the _all.deb).
If you want to confirm your rpi is pxe-booting, you can observe this via:
tcpdump -vvv -i eth0
As a flurry of messages should pass containing the word .nfs, what's happening is that the rootfs is being served over to the rpi via nfs. Note about this reference, it contains many unneccesary time-consuming steps but was very helpful nonetheless.