
Update the media on https://ipfs.io/media/

Closed this issue · 14 comments

This issue is part of Epic 3B: Fixes from legacy issue queue.

I have a bunch of IPFS talks and presentations that will need a home.

What's the proper process for getting a playlist or youtube videos embedded on the site? Not having any development chops, is there a way I can do jump in and update these as I need to?

@doctorrobinson the only way to jump in and help ship a change to the website today is by submitting a PR. I know that's a high bar for non-devs, but I'm happy to help. We could talk throught the change you want to make, and work on a PR together. We could also figure out a process that'd simplify future updates to the media section.

A simple fix might be to embed a youtube playlist like "Highlights" that you can then update whenever you have new content, without needing to republish the site.

@doctorrobinson Give me the list of videos and I will add them to https://ipfs.io/media

Researching a way to automate the retrieving of videos from Youtube. Looks like the best way to go about this is extend Hugo's Youtube shortcodes. The Hugo Youtube shortcode that comes out of the box can display one Youtube video, but we would like to display multiple videos. https://gohugo.io/content-management/shortcodes/

lidel commented

We could expose latest content from https://www.youtube.com/c/IPFS-dweb/videos to showcase how active project groups are and/or provide links to existing playlists.

If youtube exposes feeds as JSON, it should be possible to fetch JSON during the build time to ensure content is always there, and then run JS on the client that updates it if possible.

We already do something like that in "latest blog post" section:

Labeling this one as a potential hotfix. Agreed that we'll benefit in the long term from something automated, but simply from a firefighting perspective -- @doctorrobinson, can you please just assemble a list of the content you'd like to see on ipfs.io/media, in whatever means is easiest for you, and I'll make sure those get up there?

I can get to this by the end of the week I think.

Would it be easiest to just have a youtube playlist that we embed on the page, or do you want individual links + descriptions?

A playlist is just one bullet point, so it’s not nearly as sexy, but it gets the job done. I’ll leave it up to you to decide what works best for you ... a bunch of links looks tastier and is more useful to the visitor with fewer clicks, but is harder to keep up to date.

How about a playlist for the home page, and the first item on the media page, followed by direct links to the videos. Anyone with youtube access can keep the playlist regularlt updated, and we can upate the media page by PR as folks feel it is needed. Ideally we'd have both be up to date all the time, but i think a playlist takes the pressure off if we do slip.

@doctorrobinson -- just checking in with you on this one, now that camp content is beautifully live!

Let me get something on the calendar with @cwaring and we can make moves on this!

@doctorrobinson sure thing, will we cover this in the brightcove meeting or do you want to schedule something separate?

This issue will be closed by #349 ...