A set of utilities to help identify IPFS resources on the web
- 1
provide parser function that return parsed result for each type of valid function
#44 opened by bluelovers - 3
The line const i18n = require('i18next') causes ReferenceError: self is not defined
#37 opened by raphael10-collab - 2
ipfs peer support
#15 opened by MichaelMure - 1
Support is* variants
#28 opened by lidel - 1
bug: is-ipfs types not recognized in output
#88 opened by SgtPooki - 1
Support for CommonJS
#61 opened by vikiival - 1
Package path . is not exported from package
#66 opened by junior-stack - 1
isIPFS.cid('11') returns true
#50 opened by ingria - 1
That `function isIpfs` conflates matching URI fragments and checking if the hash is a CID makes it less useful
#52 opened by TimDaub - 0
The automated release is failing 🚨
#54 opened by github-actions - 2
returns false for a valid ipfs url/path!
#48 opened by xylanreeves - 0
- 0
demo is not match
#45 opened by bluelovers - 0
Make peer test more strict
#38 opened by lidel - 1
Update to aegir
#7 opened by daviddias - 3
Multiaddress checking support
#26 opened by obo20 - 5
Should be part of the IPFS org + needs a Lead Maintainer + needs to have Jenkins run.
#17 opened by daviddias - 0
Detect CID in Subdomains
#19 opened by lidel - 1
Is /ipfs/ a required prefix for ipfsPaths?
#14 opened by JonKrone - 3
Typo in README
#1 opened by lidel - 5
Path-only validation
#2 opened by lidel - 3
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Enable use in the Browser through browserify
#8 opened by lidel - 1
Update to aegir 9.0.0
#10 opened by lidel - 3
Support for CIDv1
#12 opened by lidel