Persian wiki can't be opened via CID
ilyaigpetrov opened this issue · 0 comments
Persian wiki while being requested via http://bafybeicpnshmz7lhp5vcowscty4v4br33cjv22nhhqestavb2mww6zbswm.ipfs.localhost:8080/ [1] doesn't open at all for the current moment on my machine via localhost:8080.
[1]: I took the CID from The same CID could be retrieved via $ ipfs resolve -r /ipns/
Off-topic and Motivation
I took Persian CID as an example of a problem that I face deploying another media-wiki site on ipfs. It has the same symptoms: pages start to open only after many requests to them. My media-wiki is big, I can't force open all the links.
What could be done to fix Persian wiki access via a local gateway (and access to my media-wiki site as well)?