Pinned issues
- 1
ZIM mirror at
#69 opened by lidel - 16
#60 opened by lidel - 9
How to search for articles?
#76 opened by SeanPedersen - 1
I deployed the latest version of Chinese
#147 opened by chenjia404 - 29
#61 opened by lidel - 2
Broken image on the repo's page
#138 opened by ilyaigpetrov - 6 ?
#143 opened by papiche - 1
Future: PWA and reading ZIMs directly from IPFS
#140 opened by lidel - 0
Persian wiki can't be opened via CID
#142 opened by ilyaigpetrov - 2
Add Fundring to join funding pool
#141 opened by autonome - 11
Question: Use directly ZIM files?
#42 opened by kelson42 - 1
Research ZIM Filesystem Fuse Module
#134 opened by lidel - 5
Minify output files
#117 opened by ljmf00 - 1
- 1
Update the snapshot to a more recent version (current one in use dates to March 2021)
#131 opened by ghobs91 - 7
Automate snapshot updates
#58 opened by lidel - 1
End-to-end automated Dockerfile
#78 opened by lidel - 9
Badger datastore performance with English snapshot
#85 opened by lidel - 5
hard to tell if this is live
#129 opened by MichaelTen - 0 should link to IPFS address not to mirrors?
#113 opened by slrslr - 2
How to request a page be deleted?
#121 opened by noraft75 - 6
Wikipedia Mirror for Afghanistan
#100 opened by kelson42 - 1
- 0
- 3 (and many other pages) only show an error
#96 opened by lolbinarycat - 1
- 31
Set up collaborative pinning clusters
#68 opened by lidel - 3
- 1
Add all the other wikipedia snapshots
#63 opened by momack2 - 4
- 0
Broken redirect that was _exception
#89 opened by lidel - 0
Handle _exceptions/ directory
#80 opened by lidel - 1
Remove fixRedirects fixup
#86 opened by lidel - 1
#75 opened by Moldovanka - 1
- 2
Removing an old and outdated article
#55 opened by ivanshen - 2
Missing ipfs files root?
#56 opened by maris205 - 9
- 3
Add rel="canonical" for search engines
#65 opened by lidel - 1
Switch to zimdump from zim-tools
#66 opened by lidel - 8
Deploying zh(Chinese) version of Wikipedia shows 'failed to parse input: OutOfBounds'
#73 opened by FledgeXu - 13
ZIM on IPFS: maximizing deduplication
#71 opened by lidel - 4
- 15
- 10
- 1
#49 opened - 4
ipns link broken
#52 opened by sixcorners - 2
Any updates? News? etc?
#47 opened by mkg20001 - 0
Privacy Concern
#53 opened - 3
read & write
#45 opened by joeblew99