
1.0.0 Roadmap

Opened this issue · 3 comments


Full list: Milestone 1.0.0

  • Reliable builds and retrieval
    • Fix gx/go get panic (#24)
    • Reproducible builds (gx or vendoring)
    • Working on Windows (#16)
    • Use local api file rather than assuming localhost:5001 (hackergrrl/fallback-ipfs-shell#2)
    • Sharness test coverage (#2)
    • Fix -o not working postfix (#36)
    • SIGINT not caught (#34)
  • Great UX for first-time users
    • Quiet verbosity output (#44)
    • Normal verbosity output (#43)
    • More detailed help docs (#46)
    • Make sure example hashes in the README are permanently available (#33)
  • Release + distribute


Primary goals for 1.0.0 release:

  1. it works reliably, and doesn't hang indefinitely when pieces cannot be found
  2. pleasant UX story for the first-time user: good usage docs, output that offers transparency (progress bars, good error messages)
  3. available on all major linux and osx package managers


  1. additional features (mdns, custom bootstrap list, optimizations)

Depends on #24
Depends on #26
Depends on #20
Depends on #21

Hey @noffle! I saw you we're around here today, what are the remaining TODO's for getting ipget up and running?

@Kubuxu was wanting to help out finishing this up, where would the best place for him to start be?

Hey! The checklist above is accurate: tackling any of those issues would be of great help.

@Kubuxu Low hanging fruit include hackergrrl/fallback-ipfs-shell#2 or #33. If you're familiar with Go+Windows+IPFS, getting ipget working properly there would be wonderful.