Pinned issues
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- 2
#4365 opened by achingbrain - 7
Typings for IPFS are broken
#4232 opened by pleerock - 7
IPFS pubsub stops working after a while
#4234 opened by pleerock - 1
feature request: remove `node-fetch` and use nodejs provided `fetch` API (via undici)
#4243 opened by SgtPooki - 4
ipfs-core allow content read while node is booting
#4245 opened by streamich - 3
OperationError: The operation failed for an operation-specific reason (anonymous function): Gnome Epiphany & Tauri
#4266 opened by AustinFoss - 5
#4267 opened by algorista - 8
App crashes on runtime bundling with webpack: `Error: Cannot find module './fetch.node'`
#4285 opened by pablomendezroyo - 2
Missing function in ipfs-core that is in kubo: Getting a list of child blocks that make up a cid
#4300 opened by AwesomeKalin - 1
Support both Yamux and Mplex
#4318 opened by lidel - 2
[Again] MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventTarget memory leak detected. 11 abort listeners added to
#4321 opened by chiro-hiro - 2
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Can't generate a new key using ipfs-core
#4272 opened by 0xtekgrinder - 3
On libp2p of IPFS nodes, it cannot stop sink consuming in handler when stream closed from dial side
#4260 opened by bellbind - 1
Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: No "exports" main defined in node_modules/ipfs/package.json
#4256 opened by achingbrain - 2
Consider removing or replacing `update-notifier`?
#4322 opened by jimmywarting - 3
IPFS.create is not working with node 12 version.
#4311 opened by chaincodedev - 2
A bug in randombytes
#4361 opened by generalize - 3
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ipfs.add(stream) 504 gateway timeout
#4347 opened by SourceBoy - 2
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Ipfs http client node server connection issue.
#4306 opened by sanjay-del - 3
ipfs-core does not connect with peers listed in the bootstrap field of config file
#4273 opened by RebekkalPangras - 4
Rollup compilation exporting error
#4271 opened by francesco-gaglione - 2
Encryption & connection errors when using Ed25519 PeerId
#4269 opened by aewing - 2
feat: re-export component APIs
#4233 opened by DougAnderson444 - 1
@achingbrain Generate "deprecation notice" text
#4349 opened by BigLep - 1
can't start ipfs-daemon
#4334 opened by mtiger2k - 1
jsipfs daemon exit with error
#4335 opened by mtiger2k - 2 is down
#4314 opened by ashermyers - 2
- 3
Use Ethereum Provider from wallet for private keys to be used as peer ID in IPNS
#4229 opened by Lupiano - 1
files.write buffering issue
#4278 opened by anywhichway - 5
ReferenceError: global is not defined using "await ipfs.files.write('/' +, file, { create: true })" in browser
#4248 opened by scenaristeur - 4
Taking over maintenance as part of the IPFS => web-modules spec standard transformation migration
#4261 opened by lemanschik - 2
js ipfs MP4 video streaming player requirements
#4264 opened by Aiaminm - 17
- 6
No "exports" main defined in ... package.json
#4238 opened by michael-spengler - 2
DisableNatPortMap incorrectly documented?
#4236 opened by Sjord - 4
- 3
No "exports" main defined: ipfs and ipfs-core
#4235 opened by ReggieRumsfeld - 2
JS-ipfs-http-client / Go-IPFS does not support files.cp multiple files a time? [HTTPError: cp: cannot put node in path /ipfs/...: file does not exist]
#4223 opened by tx0c