
Getting content from browser node to gateway using 0.35 RC

aphelionz opened this issue · 3 comments

  • Version: js-ipfs 0.35 RC
  • Platform: Browser (Chromium)
  • Subsystem: ipfs add / ipfs get

Type: Question

Severity: High


I'm running a browser node with js-ipfs 0.35 with DHT enabled. I'm adding content via a simple ipfs.add call. I can retrieve the content locally, and via a directly-connected peer via ipfs.get but I can't seem to get a public gateway.

What's odd is that I'm fairly certain I used to be able to do this with previous versions of js-ipfs, but maybe I'm crazy and I'm not remembering correctly.

Steps to reproduce the error:

Here's my IPFS confug on the browser node, let me know if you need any other information.

// js-ipfs version 0.35 RC

new IPFS({                                                         
  preload: { enabled: false },                                                  
  relay: { enabled: true, hop: { enabled: true, active: true } },               
  EXPERIMENTAL: { pubsub: true, dht: true },                                    
  repo: "./ipfs",                                                               
  config: {                                                                     
    Addresses: {                                                                
      Swarm: ['/dns4/ws-star.discovery.libp2p.io/tcp/443/wss/p2p-websocket-star']

Adding content to a browser node using this configuration and then trying to load it via a public gateway like https://ipfs.io causes a content timeout.

I think this is related to #1526 and #1942
Definitely feeling the pain on this one, and I'll do my best to investigate, but I'm not seeing anything obvious pop out at me just yet.

This is related with the usage of the libp2p-kad-dht. FYI We will be working on rewriting the DHT according to the most recently changes on go-libp2p-kad-dhtonce the Spec is done. After that, we should revisit if this is a problem

js-ipfs is being deprecated in favor of Helia. You can learn more about this deprecation and read the migration guide.

Please feel to reopen with any comments by 2023-06-02. We will do a final pass on reopened issues afterwards (see #4336).

This issue is most likely resolved in Helia, please try it out!