
AtoMiC Toolkit simplifies HTPC / Home Server setup and management on Ubuntu. It currently supports Transmission BT, Sick Beard, SickRage, SickGear, Sonarr / NzbDrone, and CouchPotato. More to come.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


AtoMiC ToolKit form htpcBeginner.comAtoMiC ToolKit (Automate your Media Center) is a tool that is developed by htpcBeginner.com and its community to simplify installing and managing apps / software on Ubuntu based HTPC, NAS, or Home Server setup. Essentially the AtoMiC ToolKit automates several processes and makes installing, uninstalling, backing up, restoring, resetting, and maintaining download server apps. It is written in bash.

Support AtoMiC ToolKit Development

We have put in several hundred hours of work into developing AtoMiC ToolKit. If it helped you please consider donating. All donations will be used only for AtoMiC ToolKit development.
BitCoin PayPal


Compatible with Ubuntu and variants (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu) and Linux Mint. Development will focus mainly on compatibility with Ubuntu LTS releases. While testing has been mainly on 14.04, this toolkit may also work on 14.10, 15.04, and 15,10. Some users have reported that it also works on Raspbian on Raspberry Pi.

Key Features

Features features of AtoMiC ToolKit include:
  • Works on Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server, and other Ubuntu variants including Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Kubuntu, and more
  • Almost entirely automated
  • Very little commandline work
  • User- and newbie-friendly
  • One-stop shop
    • Sick Beard - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update, and Backup / Restore
    • SickRage - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update, and Backup / Restore
    • SickGear - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update, and Backup / Restore
    • Sonarr (formerly NzbDrone) - Install, Uninstall, Update, and Backup / Restore
    • CouchPotato - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update, and Backup / Restore
    • Transmission WebUI - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update, and Backup / Restore
    • qBittorrent WebUI - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update, and Backup / Restore
    • SABnzbd+ - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update, and Backup / Restore
    • Headphones - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update, and Backup / Restore
    • HTPC Manager - Install, Uninstall, Update, and Backup / Restore
    • Mylar - Install, Uninstall, Reset Password, Update, and Backup / Restore
    • Webmin - Install, Uninstall, Update, and Backup / Restore
    • Planned - Plex, Deluge, ShellInABox, Emby, Monit, Apache, MySQL, nzbHydra, MusicBrainz, NZBGet, RTorrent/RUTorrent, etc.
  • Reset forgotten WebUI passwords
  • Makes moving apps between different computers easier
  • Correctly sets required permissions for trouble free operation
  • And best of all its FREE! (please consider donating if toolkit helps you.

Note that AtoMiC ToolKit will be in continueous development. While extensive testing has been done, there may be errors or unexpected behaviors at times. Also, not all features have been implemented yet.

Installation and Usage

Clone repository on any Ubuntu based distro and execute the setup.sh bash script file.
$ sudo apt-get install git-core
$ git clone https://github.com/htpcBeginner/AtoMiC-ToolKit ~/AtoMiC-ToolKit
$ cd ~/AtoMiC-ToolKit
$ sudo bash setup.sh




AtoMiC ToolKit Main Menu
AtoMiC ToolKit Main Menu
AtoMiC ToolKit Submenu Example
AtoMiC ToolKit Submenu Example
AtoMiC ToolKit Script Execution Example
AtoMiC ToolKit Script Execution Example

Default Usernames and Passwords

Access details have now been simplified and automated. Access details for each app can be obtained through the ToolKit Menus. It is recommended that you set / update usernames and password for all services.

For more information on installation and usage, visit AtoMiC ToolKit page on on htpcBeginner.com.