
Remark plugin to add custom containers with customizable properties in markdown

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM version Build npm-typescript License

This package is a unified (remark) plugin to add custom containers in a flexible way (compatible with new parser "micromark").

"unified" is a project that transforms content with abstract syntax trees (ASTs). "remark" adds support for markdown to unified. "mdast" is the markdown abstract syntax tree (AST) that remark uses.

This plugin is a remark plugin that transforms the mdast.

When should I use this?

This plugin is useful if you want to add a custom container in markdown, for example, in order to produce a callout or admonition.

  • This plugin can add container node, with custom tag name, custom class name and also additional properties.
  • This plugin can add title node inside the container, if the title is provided, with custom tag name, custom class name and also additional properties.

This plugin does not support nested containers.


This package is suitable for ESM only. In Node.js (version 16+), install with npm:

npm install remark-flexible-containers


yarn add remark-flexible-containers


::: [type] [title]

Say we have the following file, example.md, which consists a flexible container. The container type is "warning", specified after the triple colon :::; and the container title is "title". Each container should be closed with the triple colon ::: at the end.

::: warning title
My paragraph with **bold text**

You don't need to put empty lines inside the container. But, there must be empty lines before and after the container in order to parse the markdown properly.

<!--- here must be empty line --->
::: warning title
My paragraph with **bold text**
<!--- here must be empty line --->

And our module, example.js, looks as follows:

import { read } from "to-vfile";
import remark from "remark";
import gfm from "remark-gfm";
import remarkRehype from "remark-rehype";
import rehypeStringify from "rehype-stringify";
import remarkFlexibleContainers from "remark-flexible-containers";


async function main() {
  const file = await remark()
    .process(await read("example.md"));


Now, running node example.js yields:
(The type is also added as a class name into the container)

<div class="remark-container warning">
  <div class="remark-container-title">title</div>
  <p>My paragraph with <strong>bold text</strong></p>

Without remark-flexible-containers, you’d get:

<p>::: warning title
My paragraph with <strong>bold text</strong>


All options are optional and have default values.

/* the type definitions in the package
type TagNameFunction = (type?: string, title?: string) => string;
type ClassNameFunction = (type?: string, title?: string) => string[];
type PropertyFunction = (type?: string, title?: string) => Record<string, unknown>;
type TitleFunction = (type?: string, title?: string) => string | null | undefined;

// create flexible container options object
const flexibleContainerOptions: FlexibleContainerOptions = {
  containerTagName?: string | TagNameFunction; // default is "div"
  containerClassName?: string | ClassNameFunction; // default is "remark-container"
  containerProperties?: PropertyFunction; // default is undefined
  title?: TitleFunction; // default is undefined
  titleTagName?: string | TagNameFunction; // default is "div"
  titleClassName?: string | ClassNameFunction; // // default is "remark-container-title"
  titleProperties?: PropertyFunction; // default is undefined

// use these options like below
use(remarkFlexibleContainers, flexibleContainerOptions)


It is a string | (type?: string, title?: string) => string option for providing custom HTML tag name for the container node other than default div.


It is a string | (type?: string, title?: string) => string[] option for providing custom className(s) for the container node other than default remark-container. If you provide a string value or don't provide an option, the package adds the type of the container into classNames. But, if you provide a callback function it is your responsibility to add the type of the container or not into classNames.


It is (type?: string, title?: string) => Record<string, unknown> option to set additional properties for the container node. It is a callback function that takes the type and the title as optional arguments and returns the object which is going to be used for adding additional properties into the container node.


It is a (type?: string, title?: string) => string | null | undefined option to set the title with a callback function. The callback function takes the type and the title as optional arguments and returns string | null | undefined. If it returns null title: () => null, the plugin will not add the title node. Default is undefined, which adds a title node if a title is provided in markdown.


It is a string | (type?: string, title?: string) => string option for providing custom HTML tag name for the title node other than default div.


It is a string | (type?: string, title?: string) => string[] option for providing custom className(s) for the title node other than default remark-container-title. If you provide a string value or don't provide an option, the package adds the type of the container into classNames. But, if you provide a callback function it is your responsibility to add the type of the container or not into classNames.


It is a (type?: string, title?: string) => Record<string, unknown> option to set additional properties for the title node. It is a callback function that takes the type and the title as optional arguments and returns the object which is going to be used for adding additional properties into the title node.


::: info My Title
Some information

Without any option


is going to produce as default:

<div class="remark-container info">
  <div class="remark-container-title">My Title</div>
  <p>Some information</p>

With the title option is () => null

use(remarkFlexibleContainers, {
  title: () => null,

is going to produce the container without title (even if the the title is provided in markdown):

<div class="remark-container info">
  <p>Some information</p>

With options

use(remarkFlexibleContainers, {
  containerTagName: "section",
  containerClassName: "remark-custom-wrapper",
  containerProperties(type, title) {
    return {
      ["data-type"]: type,
      ["data-title"]: title,
  title: (type, title) => title ? title.toUpperCase() : "Fallback Title";
  titleTagName: "span",
  titleClassName: "remark-custom-wrapper-title",
  titleProperties: (type, title) => {
      ["data-type"]: type,

is going to produce the container section element like below:

<section class="remark-custom-wrapper info" data-type="info" data-title="My Title">
  <span class="remark-custom-wrapper-title" data-type="info">MY TITLE</span>
  <p>Some information</p>

With options having callback functions for the tag names and the class names.

use(remarkFlexibleContainers, {
  containerTagName(type) {
    return type ? "section" : "div";
  containerClassName(type) {
    return type
      ? [`remark-custom-container-${type}`]
      : ["remark-custom-container", "typeless"];
  containerProperties(type, title) {
    return {
      ["data-type"]: type,
      ["data-title"]: title,
  title: (type, title) => {
    return title ? toTitleCase(title) : type ? toTitleCase(type) : "Fallback Title";
  titleTagName(type) {
    return type ? "h2" : "span";
  titleClassName(type) {
    return type ? [`remark-custom-title-${type}`] : ["remark-custom-title", "typeless"];
  titleProperties: (type, title) => {
    return {
      ["data-type"]: type,
      ["data-title"]: title?.toUpperCase(),

Without a type and a title

You can use the plugin syntax without providing a type and a title.

Some information

It will not add a title node since it is not provided (assume that the title option is not provided as well), and it will also not add the type as a classname into the container:

<div class="remark-container">
  <p>Some information</p>

The flexible container can contain also html elements and mdx components:

::: danger My Title
My name is **talatkuyuk** AKA ipikuka
this package is _so cool and flexible_

::it does not confuse with double colons::

<mark>marked text</mark>
<MarkRed>custom marker</MarkRed>

  <summary>HTML tag works too</summary>
  <p>I am working</p>
other paragraph *italic content* and,
some **bold content** without stress

Syntax tree

This plugin only modifies the mdast (markdown abstract syntax tree) as explained.


This package is fully typed with TypeScript. The plugin options' type is exported as FlexibleContainerOptions.


This plugin works with unified version 6+ and remark version 7+. It is compatible with mdx version 2.


Use of remark-flexible-containers does not involve rehype (hast) or user content so there are no openings for cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

My Remark Plugins

The remark packages I have published are presented below:


MIT © ipikuka


unified remark remark-plugin mdast markdown remark custom container