
CAUEEG: Chung-Ang University Hospital EEG dataset for automatic EEG diagnosis research


CAUEEG: Chung-Ang University Hospital EEG dataset for automatic EEG diagnosis research

This repository is the official page of the CAUEEG dataset presented in "Deep learning-based EEG analysis to classify mild cognitive impairment for early detection of dementia: algorithms and benchmarks" from the CNIR (CAU NeuroImaging Research) team.

Detailed information

Please refer to the academic paper, "Deep learning-based EEG analysis to classify mild cognitive impairment for early detection of dementia: algorithms and benchmarks," for detailed information.

Dataset access

❗ Note: The use of the CAUEEG dataset is allowed for only academic and research purposes 👩‍🎓👨🏼‍🎓.

  • Researchers wishing to utilize the CAUEEG dataset should turn out this form as approval from the local ethics committee is required.
  • After reviewing the response, we will send you a mail with a download link and password.

File components

The file tree for the CAUEEG data set is as follows:

|   annotation.json
|   annotation.xlsx
|   dementia.json
|   abnormal.json
|       00001.json
|       00002.json
|           ...
|       01388.json
    |       00001.edf
    |       00002.edf
    |           ...
    |       01388.edf
  • caueeg-dataset/annotation.json: Diagnostic annotation file for each EDF and event pair.
  • caueeg-dataset/annotation.xlsx: Excel version of annotation.json for visualization.
  • caueeg-dataset/dementia.json: Annotation file for the CAUEEG-Dementia benchmark.
  • caueeg-dataset/dementia-no-overlap.json: Annotation file for the CAUEEG-Dementia benchmark, excluded all patient-overlapping cases with training data from the test and validation sets.
  • caueeg-dataset/abnormal.json: Annotation file for the CAUEEG-Abnormal benchmark.
  • caueeg-dataset/abnormal-no-overlap.json: Annotation file for the CAUEEG-Abnormal benchmark, excluded all patient-overlapping cases with training data from the test and validation sets.
  • caueeg-dataset/event/*.json: Event descriptions during EEG recording.
  • caueeg-dataset/signal/edf/*.edf: EEG signals written in European data format (EDF).



The implementation code for using the CAUEEG dataset and benchmarks via the PyTorch library is available in a public repository at caueeg-ceednet.

CAUEEG dataset

With caueeg-ceednet, here is an example of loading the CAUEEG dataset:

import pprint
from datasets.caueeg_script import *

config_data, full_eeg_dataset = load_caueeg_full_dataset(dataset_path='local/dataset/caueeg-dataset/', 

pprint.pprint(config_data, width=250)
print('\n', '-' * 100, '\n')
print('\n', '-' * 100, '\n')
{'dataset_name': 'CAUEEG dataset',
 'signal_header': ['Fp1-AVG', 'F3-AVG', 'C3-AVG', 'P3-AVG', 'O1-AVG', 'Fp2-AVG', 'F4-AVG', 'C4-AVG', 'P4-AVG', 'O2-AVG', 'F7-AVG', 'T3-AVG', 'T5-AVG', 'F8-AVG', 'T4-AVG', 'T6-AVG', 'FZ-AVG', 'CZ-AVG', 'PZ-AVG', 'EKG', 'Photic']}


{'age': 78,
 'serial': '00001',
 'signal': array([[  0., -11., -13., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ 29.,  33.,  34., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ -3.,  -6.,  -3., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ -4.,  -2.,   1., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [112.,  67.,  76., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ -1.,  -1.,  -1., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.]]),
 'symptom': ['mci', 'mci_amnestic', 'mci_amnestic_rf']}


{'age': 78,
 'serial': '00004',
 'signal': array([[ 30.,  34.,  36., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ 34.,  25.,  24., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ 11.,  15.,  15., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [-10.,  -6.,  -4., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ 23.,  32.,  30., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ -1.,   0.,  -1., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.]]),
 'symptom': ['dementia', 'ad', 'load']}

With load_event option triggered, the dataset also loads event data, as follows:

config_data, full_eeg_dataset = load_caueeg_full_dataset(dataset_path='local/dataset/caueeg-dataset/', 

pprint.pprint(config_data, width=250)
print('\n', '-' * 100, '\n')
{'dataset_name': 'CAUEEG dataset',
 'signal_header': ['Fp1-AVG', 'F3-AVG', 'C3-AVG', 'P3-AVG', 'O1-AVG', 'Fp2-AVG', 'F4-AVG', 'C4-AVG', 'P4-AVG', 'O2-AVG', 'F7-AVG', 'T3-AVG', 'T5-AVG', 'F8-AVG', 'T4-AVG', 'T6-AVG', 'FZ-AVG', 'CZ-AVG', 'PZ-AVG', 'EKG', 'Photic']}


{'age': 78,
 'event': [[0, 'Start Recording'],
           [0, 'New Montage - Montage 002'],
           [36396, 'Eyes Open'],
           [72518, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [73862, 'Eyes Open'],
           [75248, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [76728, 'swallowing'],
           [77978, 'Eyes Open'],
           [79406, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [79996, 'Photic On - 3.0 Hz'],
           [80288, 'Eyes Open'],
           [81296, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [82054, 'Photic Off'],
           [84070, 'Photic On - 6.0 Hz'],
           [84488, 'Eyes Open'],
           [85538, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [86086, 'Photic Off'],
           [88144, 'Photic On - 9.0 Hz'],
           [90160, 'Photic Off'],
           [91458, 'Eyes Open'],
           [92218, 'Photic On - 12.0 Hz'],
           [92762, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [94198, 'Photic Off'],
           [94742, 'Eyes Open'],
           [95708, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [96256, 'Photic On - 15.0 Hz'],
           [98272, 'Photic Off'],
           [100330, 'Photic On - 18.0 Hz'],
           [102346, 'Photic Off'],
           [102596, 'Eyes Open'],
           [103856, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [104361, 'Photic On - 21.0 Hz'],
           [106420, 'Photic Off'],
           [106880, 'Eyes Open'],
           [107804, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [108435, 'Photic On - 24.0 Hz'],
           [110452, 'Photic Off'],
           [111080, 'Eyes Open'],
           [112004, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [112509, 'Photic On - 27.0 Hz'],
           [114528, 'Photic Off'],
           [114864, 'Eyes Open'],
           [116124, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [116544, 'Photic On - 30.0 Hz'],
           [118602, 'Photic Off'],
           [126672, 'artifact'],
           [134030, 'Move'],
           [135584, 'Eyes Open'],
           [136668, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [139818, 'Eyes Open'],
           [141414, 'Eyes Closed'],
           [145000, 'Paused']],
 'serial': '00001',
 'signal': array([[  0., -11., -13., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ 29.,  33.,  34., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ -3.,  -6.,  -3., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ -4.,  -2.,   1., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [112.,  67.,  76., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ -1.,  -1.,  -1., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.]]),
 'symptom': ['mci', 'mci_amnestic', 'mci_amnestic_rf']}

CAUEEG-Dementia benchmark

Here is an example of loading the CAUEEG-Dementia benchmark:

config_data, train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset = load_caueeg_task_datasets(dataset_path='local/dataset/caueeg-dataset/', 
print('\n', '-' * 100, '\n')

print('\n', '-' * 100, '\n')

print('\n', '-' * 100, '\n')


Similarly, the CAUEEG-Abnormal benchmark is loaded as follows:

config_data, train_dataset, val_dataset, test_dataset = load_caueeg_task_datasets(dataset_path='local/dataset/caueeg-dataset/', 
print('\n', '-' * 100, '\n')

print('\n', '-' * 100, '\n')

print('\n', '-' * 100, '\n')


One can replace task='dementia' to task='dementia-no-overlap' or task='abnormal' to task='abnormal-no-overlap' if wanting to use the 'no-overlap' version, respectively.

To specify the split and benchmark, here is the way:

config, test_dataset = load_caueeg_task_split(dataset_path='local/dataset/caueeg-dataset/', 
                                              task='abnormal', split='test', load_event=False)

print('\n', '-' * 100, '\n')
{'class_label_to_name': ['Normal', 'Abnormal'],
 'class_name_to_label': {'Abnormal': 1, 'Normal': 0},
 'task_description': 'Classification of [Normal] and [Abnormal] symptoms',
 'task_name': 'CAUEEG-Abnormal benchmark'}


{'age': 57,
 'class_label': 0,
 'class_name': 'Normal',
 'serial': '00560',
 'signal': array([[  7.,  41.,  49., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ 23.,  26.,  27., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [-16., -20., -18., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [ 32.,  31.,  31., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [177., 228., 142., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.],
       [  0.,  -1.,   0., ...,   0.,   0.,   0.]]),
 'symptom': ['normal', 'cb_normal']}

Advanced usage

For more advanced usages of the CAUEEG dataset and two corresponding benchmarks, refer to this notebook.


If you found this dataset helpful, please cite the paper below.

  title={Deep learning-based EEG analysis to classify normal, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia: algorithms and dataset},
  author={Kim, Min-jae and Youn, Young Chul and Paik, Joonki},