PodSecurityPolicy validating admission webhook server


This topic was presented by me at a Meetup in Bangalore on 21st September 2019.

Slides for the same are here

Deployment steps.

  1. Start minikube with PodSecurityPolicy enabled.

    Reference - https://suraj.io/post/psp-on-existing-cluster/

    minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.enable-admission-plugins=NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,PersistentVolumeLabel,DefaultStorageClass,ResourceQuota,DefaultTolerationSeconds,PodSecurityPolicy,MutatingAdmissionWebhook,ValidatingAdmissionWebhook
  2. Once the server is started, due to the enabling of PSP, we need to provide policies.

    Reference - https://github.com/appscodelabs/tasty-kube/blob/dc7b32a3ee8375f03218f6b10c3b51aa82c91a96/minikube/1.10/psp/README.md

    $ kubectl apply -f manifests/minikube-yamls-after-enabling-psp/psp.yaml
    $ kubectl auth reconcile -f manifests/minikube-yamls-after-enabling-psp/clusterroles.yaml
    $ kubectl auth reconcile -f manifests/minikube-yamls-after-enabling-psp/rolebindings.yaml
  3. Building docker image locally

    $ eval $(minikube docker-env) # This will use the docker daemon of minikube
    $ docker build -t webhookserver .
  4. Deploying the all-in-one-yaml manifest

    $ kubectl apply -f manifests/solution-deployment-yamls/all-in-one.yaml
  5. Generate TLS certs for our webhookserver and create a secret Copy the certificate string to template and create a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration

    Reference- https://github.com/banzaicloud/admission-webhook-example

    $ cd manifests/solution-deployment-yamls/certs
    $ ./webhook-create-signed-cert.sh
    $ cat validatingwebhook.yaml.template | ./webhook-patch-ca-bundle.sh > webhookconfiguration.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f webhookconfiguration.yaml
  6. Test the solution with some test yamls

    $ cd manifests/test-yamls
    $ kubectl apply -f invalid-profiles.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f invalid-wildcard-policy.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f no-policy.yaml
    $ kubectl apply -f valid-policy.yaml

More References:

Other ways of deploying