
Highlight multiple search patterns in vim

Primary LanguageVim Script


msearch.vim enables user to highlight multiple search patterns. It's useful for code tracing for source code with very long variable names. msearch.vim is highly inspired by the vim-mark plugin but is developed with a dedicated workflow bared in mind:

  1. The mappings /, ?, n, N, * should work as in vanilla vim.
  2. Extend / and ? maintaing a list of searched patterns.
  3. Extend n and N with an extra mode to jump on multiple searched patterns.
  4. Extend * with an extra mode to highlight multiple searched patterns.

The result is a more compact but easy-to-use user interface (possibly missing some functionalities in vim-mark which doesn't involve the aforementioned workflow). msearch.vim provides no default mapping, users can map all plugin mappings to suit their work-flow need. A suggested mapping is as follows:

" Mapping 8 might be controversial. But it's unlikely that you would use
" it as |count|. To goto a line, instead of 8|G|, you can do :8 instead.
nmap 8 <Plug>MSToggleAddCword
nmap * <Plug>MSExclusiveAddCword
vmap 8 <Plug>MSToggleAddVisual
vmap * <Plug>MSExclusiveAddVisual
nmap <leader>/ <Plug>MSClear

" If you don't mind remember two mappings for two searching modes...
nmap n <Plug>MSCurNext
nmap N <Plug>MSCurPrev
nmap <leader>n <Plug>MSAllNext
nmap <leader>N <Plug>MSAllPrev

" Otherwise, you might like the following setting which toggles the two
" searching modes with a single mapping.
nmap n <Plug>MSNext
nmap N <Plug>MSPrev
nmap <leader>n <Plug>MSToggleJump

nmap / <Plug>MSAddBySearchForward
nmap ? <Plug>MSAddBySearchBackward

Integration with vim-visual-multi

This plugin can be integrated with vim-visual-multi to add multiple cursor on the highlighted patterns:

function! s:SelectAllMark()
    call feedkeys("\<Plug>(VM-Start-Regex-Search)".join(msearch#joint_pattern())."\<cr>")
    call feedkeys("\<Plug>(VM-Select-All)")
nmap <leader>r :call <sid>SelectAllMark()<cr>


Using vim-plug

Plug 'ipod825/msearch.vim'
