
Primary LanguageVim Script



Install either with vim-plug, Vundle, Pathogen or Neobundle.


This plugin provides enhanced version of the built-in :tab drop command (if the file is already open in a tab then vim will switch to that tab instead of opening a new window). You can:

  1. Run :Tabdrop path_to_open [line#], [col#] to open specified path. Pass the optional line and column number if you want to jump to certain line and column.
  2. Run :NewTabdrop path_to_open [line#], [col#] to perform exact the thing as Tabdrop except that the content in the current tab will always be hidden after drop. This might be useful for e.g. in vim-esearch.
  3. Run :TabdropPushTag to save the current location in a stack
  4. Run :TabdropPopTag to jump back to the last location
  5. Run :TagTabdrop to follow tags of word-under-cursor in a new/existing tabpage.

For example, if you use LanguageClient-neovim to do code traversal, having the following config in your vimrc you can jump to function definition in a new (or existing) tab by pressing Ctrl+] and jump back by pressing Ctrl-t.

nnoremap <C-]> :call Gotodef()<CR>
nmap <C-t> :TabdropPopTag<Cr>

function! Gotodef()
    call LanguageClient_textDocument_definition({'gotoCmd': 'Tabdrop'})

To have a unified mapping for both a language server and tags file. You can define the Gotodef function as:

function! Gotodef()
    catch /E433:/
        call LanguageClient_textDocument_definition({'gotoCmd': 'Tabdrop'})

Note that TagTabdrop uses tjump internally, so vim will prompt a menu for you to select if there are multiple tag matches.


By default, if the target tabpage is different than the current tabpage and only one window exists in the current tabpage, vim-tabdrop close the current tab on TabdropPopTag command. To prevent from this, add the following snippet in your vimrc

let g:tabdrop_close_on_poptag=0