
A IP2Proxy module for Nginx HTTP server.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

IP2Proxy HTTP Module for Nginx

The module detects visitor IP addresses which are used as VPN anonymizer, open proxies, web proxies and Tor exits.

A IP2Proxy database is required for the lookup. It can be downloaded from http://lite.ip2location.com (Free) or http://www.ip2location.com (Commercial).


  1. Install required packages for development.

    apt-get install -y wget git build-essential zlib1g-dev libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libtool autoconf automake

  2. Create a working directory.

    mkdir ~/ip2proxy-dev
    cd ~/ip2proxy-dev

  3. Download IP2Proxy C library source code.

    git clone https://github.com/ip2location/ip2proxy-c.git

  4. Compile and install the IP2Proxy C library.

    cd ip2proxy-c
    autoreconf -i -v --force
    make install

  5. Refresh local library.


  6. Download IP2Proxy Nginx.

    cd ~/ip2proxy-dev
    git clone https://github.com/ip2location/ip2proxy-nginx

  7. Download the latest Nginx source.

    wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-VERSION.tar.gz

    Notes: Please check the VERSION number from http://nginx.org/en/download.html

  8. Compile and install Nginx with IP2Proxy module.

    tar -xvzf nginx-VERSION.tar.gz 
    cd nginx-VERSION
    ./configure --sbin-path=/usr/sbin/nginx --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf --pid-path=/run/nginx.pid --add-module=~/ip2proxy-dev/ip2proxy-nginx
    make install


Syntax      : ip2proxy
Value       : on | off
Default     : off
Context     : http, server, location
Description : Enable of disable IP2Proxy module.
Syntax      : ip2proxy_database
Value       : [Absolute path to IP2Proxy database]
Default     : none
Context     : http, server, location
Description : The absolute path to IP2Proxy BIN database file.
Syntax      : ip2proxy_access_type
Value       : file_io | shared_memory | cache_memory
Default     : file_io
Context     : http, server, location
Description : Define the lookup mode for best performance practice.
Syntax      : ip2proxy_reverse_proxy
Value       : on | off
Default     : off
Context     : http, server, location
Description : Detect X-Forwareded-For header for actual visitor IP if Nginx is behind a reverse proxy.

Example of nginx.conf

http {

        ip2proxy on;
        ip2proxy_database /ip2proxy/databases/DB4.BIN;
        ip2proxy_access_type shared_memory;
        ip2proxy_reverse_proxy on;
        # Add custom headers so the values are accessible from PHP
        add_header IP2Proxy-Country-Code $ip2proxy_country_short;
        add_header IP2Proxy-Country-Name $ip2proxy_country_long;
        add_header IP2Proxy-Region $ip2proxy_region;
        add_header IP2Proxy-City $ip2proxy_city;
        add_header IP2Proxy-ISP $ip2proxy_isp;
        add_header IP2Proxy-Is-Proxy $ip2proxy_is_proxy;
        add_header IP2Proxy-Proxy-Type $ip2proxy_proxy_type;
