This is the source code and tools corresponding to the "A Streaming Distance Transform Algorithm for Neighborhood-Sequence Distances" version 1.1 IPOL article ( ) LUTBasedNSDistanceTransform: Implements the algorithm of the Streaming Distance Transform for Neighborhood-Sequence Distances. Authors: Nicolas Normand, Robin Strand, Pierre Evenou, Aurore Arlicot Contacts: Copyright (c) 2014 by Nicolas Normand <> This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 3 (GPLv3). Version 1.1 19/02/2014 The program uses netpbm or libpng for image I/O. Both libraries provide functions able to read images one row at a time. To compile simply use cmake (see INSTALL file) ------ Program help: LUTBasedNSDistanceTransform [-f filename] [-c] [-t (pgm|png)] \ (-4|-8|-r <num/den>|-s <sequence>) -4 Use the city block distance. -8 Use the chessboard distance. -s sequence One period of the sequence of neighborhoods given as a list of 1 and 2 separated by " " or ",". Space characters must be escaped from the shell. -r num/den Ratio of neighborhood 2 given as the rational number num/den (with den >= num >= 0 and den > 0). -c Center the distance transform (the default is an asymmetric distance transform). -f filename Read from file "filename" instead of stdin. -l Flush output after each produced row. -t format Select output image format (pgm or png). Example of usage for regular octagonal distance transform: ./LUTBasedNSDistanceTransform -r 1/2 -c < image.pbm or ./LUTBasedNSDistanceTransform -s ’1 2’ -c < image.pbm ------- Change from 1.0: adding FindPGM.cmake file. All sources file were reviewed in the IPOL publication # credits and acknowledgments # list of known defect: