
Manage APT repos, preferences and configuration for IPR's production servers.


This role is NO LONGER SUPPORTED, please take a look to debops.apt, debops.apt_install, debops.apt_preferences and all others DebOps apt_* roles.

  1. Overview
  2. Role Variables
  3. Example Playbook
  4. Configuration
  5. Development
  6. License
  7. Author Information


Manage APT repos, preferences and configuration for IPR's servers.

Role Variables

  • apt_conf_update_pkg_lists : Period of automatic repositories update in days [default : 1].
  • apt_conf_download_upgradeable_pkg : Period of automatic download of upgradeable packages in days [default : 1].
  • apt_conf_auto_clean_interval : Period of automatic clean of no longer available packages [default : 0].
  • apt_conf_purge_list : The list of default APT configuration files sets by differents packages.
  • apt_conf_purge_manage : If the purge of default configuration should be managed [default : true].
  • apt_src_list_manage : If apt sources list files should be managed [default : true].
  • apt_purge_src_list_file : If the default sources.file must be absent [default : true].
  • apt_stretch_manage : If Stretch configuration should be managed [default : true].
  • apt_default_pref_path : Path to set the default preferences file for all repositories [default : /etc/apt/preferences.d/default.pref].
  • apt_default_pref_tpl : Template used to generate the previous config file [default : etc/apt/preferences.d/default.pref.j2].
  • apt_tools_list : The list of additionnals tools to install [default see below].
  • apt_tools_state : State of new tools [default : installed].
  • apt_tools_manage : If those tools should be managed by the role [default : true].
  • apt_unwanted_pkg_list : The list of totally useless packages for a production server [default see below].
  • apt_unwanted_pkg_state : State of old packages [default : absent].
  • apt_unwanted_pkg_manage : If those old packages should be managed by the role [default : true].
  • apt_unattended_upgrades : If unattended-upgrades should be managed by the role [default : yes].
  • apt_unattended_upgrades_blacklist : List of packages to not update (regexp are supported) [default : []].

Example Playbook

  • Use defaults vars :
- hosts: serverXYZ
    - role: ipr-cnrs.apt
  • For a system with an X session, you may let the old packages unmanaged :
- hosts: serverXYZ
    - role: ipr-cnrs.apt
      apt_unwanted_pkg_manage: false


APT Configuration

  • Ensure to never remove some packages pattern.
  • Set general APT configurations.
  • Set periodic actions.
  • Set dpkg default values.
  • Set unattended-upgrades config.
  • Purge default configuration files sets by others apps.

Sources List

Manage Debian's sources.list :

  • Add Stretch repositories (main, security and backports).
  • Remove the default /etc/apt/sources.list file.
  • Update Apt if any repositories modifications.


  • Set the preferences for all repositories, default to :
    • Stretch - 510.
    • Stretch Backports - 500.


  • Ensure to install :
    • aptitude (better than apt to resolve dependencies issues)
  • Ensure to remove really useless packages from a default installation :
    • laptop-detect (if a server is a laptop…)
    • tasksel (simple interface)
  • Manage unattended-upgrades.


This source code comes from our Gogs instance and the Github repo exist just to be able to send the role to Ansible Galaxy…

But feel free to send issue/PR here :)

Thanks to this hook, Github automatically got updates from our Gogs instance :)



Author Information

Jérémy Gardais