This app is built to show all the events associated with a google account.
- Sign in via Google
- Accept Calendar Permissions
- All the calendar data gets synced to the app.
- Users can view all the calendars they have
- Users can view all the events associated with a calendar
- Filter events by Year and Month
- Search for calendars and events from spotlight
- Supports
(Supports Mac Catalyst)
This demo uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- GoogleSignIn-iOS - Enables iOS and macOS apps to sign in with Google.
- GoogleAPIClientForRest - Google API Client in ObjC to fetch API data for google services
- Lottie - An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations.
- Core Spotlight - Indexing app so users can search the content from Spotlight and Safari.
- Core Services - Access and manage key operating system services, such as launch and identity services.
And of course this demo app itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
- Minimum Xcode version -
- Minimum Deployment Version
- iOS -
- macOS -
- iOS -
- Fetch Google Auth 2.0 token from Google cloud console.
- Enable Calendar API
- Modify OAuth 2.0 token and add calendar scopes, as required.
- Add testers to the OAuth token
- Create API key with the app bundle identifier
- Download the OAuth 2.0 plist file and add to project
- Rename the Plist file to
- Install the packages via
SPM (Swift Package Manager)
or Wait for the packages to be resolved automatically
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and build the application.
Want to contribute? Great!
This app uses SwiftUI + Combine
for binding data and creating the UI.
- Deeplink for events in spotlight
- Optimising indexing of events in spotlight
- Using a Watch for Google calendar instead of timed API calls (Unable to get proper documentation on this in GoogleAPIClientForRest)
Open to contributions and enhancements on the project
Free Software, Hell Yeah!