
rosserial on ESP32 based on ESP-IDF

Primary LanguageCMakeOtherNOASSERTION


This package is based on rosserial to enable communication between ROS and ESP32 using ESP-IDF.

Supports rosserial communication over UART and WiFi

Generate ROS libraries

Follow the steps below in order to generate and include ROS libraries (This will create a component in IDF_PATH and need to generate it only once)

$ cd path/to/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone https:/www.github.com/sachin0x18/rosserial_esp32.git
$ rosrun rosserial_esp32 make_libraries.py $IDF_PATH/components/

After execution of above commands, all the necessary ROS files would have been generated in $IDF_PATH/components/rosserial_esp32/
