
IPTV-ORG Desktop Electron App

Primary LanguageTypeScript

IPTV Desktop

IPTV Desktop is application for playing IPTV from iptv-org playlist. Support listing channel from iptv-org api by Country, Category, and Language.


Channel List Screen:

Channel List Preview of Application

Watch Screen:

Watch Screen Preview of Application


  • List Channels By Country, Category, and Language.
  • Caching stream and channel data.
  • Use Custom DNS Over HTTPS Server.
  • Caption / Subtitle Support.


Currently we only provide binary for Linux and Windows in our release page.


This application is build with electron, lit, and hls.js. You can developing or building application locally by cloning this repository and installing package dependency using pnpm.


This repository doesn't store any video, playlist, or streaming url. This repository use public api from iptv-org.