
Docker-Image with ready-to-use Gulp-Tasks

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Docker Gulp Tasks

Docker-Image with ready-to-use Gulp-Tasks.


This Docker container runs by itself with your given config. We have a couple of predefined tasks that you may use.


You need Docker installed and your user having rights to run containers.


To use the container follow these simple steps:

  1. copy the contents of the example directory to your project.
  2. change the gulpfile.js to meet your requirements (sass or less, copy included?)
  3. change the gulp_config.js to meet your requirements
  4. make the gulp-File executable
  5. run ./gulp build:dev or ./gulp watch
  6. see gulp running for you, without having to worry with nodejs, module dependencies, complex tasks configuration

build process

To use this container in your build-process:

  1. TODO



Build by yourself: docker build -t ipunktbs/gulp-tasks .



Deletes the directory as defined in your gulp_config.json.

clean: {
    path: "public/"


Copies files from one directory to another. Can be configured to copy as many individual files or directories as you want.

copy: [
    src: "src/**/*", //supports glob syntax
    base: "src/", //part of your path that will be your base; copy will start from here
    dest: "public/"


Compiles sass and/or scss to css files using gulp-sass. Also contains an autoprefixer, cssnano (minify), sourcemaps and gzip. Sourcemaps will only be generated when running gulp build:dev.

sass: {
  src: "src/css/**/*.scss",
  dest: "public/css",
  gzip: true, //false if you do not want to additionally gzip your resulting css files.
  autoprefixer: { //see https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer#options
    browsers: ["last 3 version"]
  options: { //see https://github.com/sass/node-sass#options
    indentedSyntax: false,
    includePaths: []


Compiles less to css files using gulp-less. Also contains an autoprefixer, cssnano (minify), sourcemaps and gzip. Sourcemaps will only be generated when running gulp build:dev.

less: {
  src: "src/css/**/*.less",
  dest: "public/css",
  gzip: true, //false if you do not want to additionally gzip your resulting css files.
  autoprefixer: { //see https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer#options
    browsers: ["last 3 version"]
  options: { //see https://github.com/plus3network/gulp-less#options
    paths: [],
    plugins: []


Just an autoprefixer, cssnano (minify) and gzip for your css files.

css: {
  src: "src/css/**/*.css",
  dest: "public/css",
  gzip: true,
  autoprefixer: { //see https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer#options
    browsers: ["last 3 version"]


Browserify / Watchify task; can be configured to use transforms (currently only ractify). Also contains uglify, sourcemap and gzip. Sourcemaps will only be generated when running gulp build:dev.

browserify: {
  src: "src/js/entry.js",
  dest: "public/js/bundle.js",
  gzip: true, //false if you do not want to additionally gzip your resulting css files.
  transforms: { //add your transforms here
    ractify: {
      extension: "html" //file extension for ractive components


configured using standard webpack configuration.

webpack: {
    //see https://webpack.github.io/docs/
    //alternatively you can require your webpack-config: require('webpack.config.js');


builds your bower dependencies defined in your local bower.json into the defined directory. afterwards copies them into dest.

bower: {
    directory: "vendors/.bower", //your bower install directory
    dest: "public/vendors" //your public/lib directory (optional)