- 0
Support laravel 9
#69 opened by steinger - 1
- 4
php8 support
#67 opened by freebuu - 1
Changing anaalytics id dynamicaly
#66 opened by Sadicko - 1
- 1
Compatibility with Analytics v4
#64 opened by aroy314 - 1
[Question] What is the future of this package?
#63 opened by gagegogan - 0
analytics.js:25 Running command: ga("set", "anonymizeIp", true) Command ignored. Unknown target: undefined
#62 opened by dhruv1998 - 0
Sends pageview only when debug == true
#48 opened by srottem - 1
how to use google oauth to access view id ?
#46 opened by saeedvir - 1
Support laravel 8
#61 opened by woodspire - 3
Auto tracking not working on Laravel Nova
#58 opened by arad0s - 2
disable via config
#57 opened by lsmith77 - 1
issue using setCustom method
#52 opened by imrealashu - 3
Way to track API requests
#51 opened by imrealashu - 1
The Tracker Doesnt Show Up
#47 opened by hadifirmansyah - 2
NoAnalytics::TrackEvent() failing when 3rd arg not present - even though it is null
#44 opened by PCoetzeeDev - 8
Proposal: disable JavaScript Template
#28 opened by andreasba - 1
Isn't a good idea to merge with this project?
#40 opened by amraei - 3
Analytics::setCampaign() not rendering ga('set', 'campaignName'...) when set prior to redirect
#37 opened by FOOLanceProd - 5
Allow setting other settings via .env as well
#33 opened by martijn94 - 1
- 1
Is it possible to only display GA code when a tracking event is in the session?
#32 opened by trevorgehman - 6
This Package is support Laravel5?
#21 opened by ALTELMA - 2
Composer Failure : Package could not be found.
#24 opened by mikehenken - 1
Readme for L4
#25 opened by mikehenken - 2
E-commerce tracking?
#27 opened by jdavidbakr - 2
User ID feature
#20 opened by plindsay - 1
#23 opened by Guilllaum - 2
Analytic Config Per Enviroment
#15 opened by eknowlton - 1
Retrieving Google Analytics Data
#17 opened by zeckdude - 3
Event lost on multiple redirects
#14 opened by maarten00 - 3
Laravel 4.1 support broken since "Forget to pull"
#13 opened by prigal - 3
- 4
Update for L5
#10 opened by JayBizzle - 7
- 1
php version compatibility
#8 opened by sboo - 0
One line code
#7 opened by insign - 2
How it works ?
#6 opened by prigal - 1
Problem when using version ~1.0
#3 opened by mabasic - 10
Tracking is not installed
#1 opened by mabasic