
Rancherize your development workflow

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Rancherize is a php cli script based on symfony/console. It makes developing with docker and rancher easy for developers without specialized knowledge in the subjects. This is done by choosing a blueprint that fits your apps required environment and setting abstract requirements instead of of adding and connecting services.

For a concrete example on how the configuration becomes easier through this see the example at the bottom of this page.


As of 2.23.0 the default behaviour for pushed services has changed to always pull images on an upgrade.
This can be disabled by setting docker.always-pull: false in either the defaults or the environment.

Usage as docker container (preferred)

Rancherize comes bundled as Docker Container ipunktbs/rancherize.


Rancherize creates configuration to be used with external docker tools. Thus it is necessary to have the following tools installed to use Rancherize:

Install on linux

No need to separately install it. To use it, just make a shell alias:

alias rancherize='docker run -it --init -v $HOME/.rancherize:/home/rancherize/.rancherize -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) -e "USER_ID=$(id -u)" -e "GROUP_ID=$(id -g)" ipunktbs/rancherize:2-stable'

or use the provided script script/rancherize.sh.

From now on use rancherize without other dependencies for your local environment than docker.

Usage in build tools

With build tools like jenkins or gitlab-ci, you cannot rely on the presence of a .rancherize file in the home-dir. For this usecase you can set account settings with environment variables on the docker container on runtime. best practise would be to include these variables via secrets.

  • DOCKER_SERVER - registry server (e.g. registry.gitlab.com), ignore or leave empty for dockerhub
  • DOCKER_USER - username for dockerhub / registry
  • DOCKER_PASSWORD - password for dockerhub / registry
  • DOCKER_ECR - true if using AWS ECR
  • RANCHER_URL - rancher environment api-url
  • RANCHER_KEY - rancher api-key
  • RANCHER_SECRET - rancher api-secret
  • RANCHER_ACCOUNTNAME_URL - alternative rancher environment api-url when using rancher.account = 'ACCOUNTNAME'
  • RANCHER_ACCOUNTNAME_KEY - alternative rancher api-key when using rancher.account = 'ACCOUNTNAME'
  • RANCHER_ACCOUNTNAME_SECRET - alternative rancher api-secret when using rancher.account = 'ACCOUNTNAME'

Note that RANCHER_ACCOUNTNAME_{URL,KEY,SECRET} are only parsed when RANCHER_URL is set. Setting them without default account will NOT work.

Usage in project


Rancherize creates configuration to be used with external docker tools. Thus it is necessary to have the following tools installed to use Rancherize:


Rancherize is installed using composer

composer require 'ipunkt/rancherize:^2.5.0'



Rancherize knows 2 types of accounts:

  • docker accounts. They are used to push images to docker hub
  • rancher accounts. They are used to deploy your app to your rancher environment

Both are managed in the json file ~/.rancherize which should be set to be only readable by your own user.
For easy editing use the following command. It opens the file in your $EDITOR and creates a default file if it does not exist yet.

vendor/bin/rancherize rancher:access


Rancherize configuration is split into environments. A typical app knows at least a local and a production environment. Environments are configured by editing the file rancherize.json inside the app work directory.

Note that all configuration values can also be set in the defaults section. Values in this section will be used if the configuration value does not appear in the environment See Environments and Defaults for a longer explanation on how to best use environments

The command init can be used to create an initial configuration for an environment.
It will prompt the blueprint to create a sensible default production configuration. If the --dev Flag is used then a configuration for a local development environment is created instead.


vendor/bin/rancherize init --dev webserver local
vendor/bin/rancherize init webserver production staging

Set Environment Variable

The command environment:set exists to conveniently set an environment value for all environments. It will go through all environments, display the current value and ask for the new value. If none is given then the old value will be used again.

vendor/bin/rancherize environment:set VARIABLENAME

vendor/bin/rancherize environment:set APP_KEY

Development Environment

The command start exists to start an environment of your app on the local machine.

vendor/bin/rancherize start ENVIRONMENTNAME

vendor/bin/rancherize start local

Note that this command does not currently build a docker image from your work directory so the environment should be set to mount your work directory directly. For the WebserverBlueprint this means setting

  • "use-app-container": false
  • "mount-workdir":"true"

Theses settings are included when initializing with the --dev flag



The command push exists to deploy the current state of your work directory into Rancher.

vendor/bin/rancherize push ENVIRONEMNT VERSION

vendor/bin/rancherize push staging v1
  • The current state of your work directory is build as docker image and tagged as $(docker.repository):$(docker.version-prefix)VERSION
  • The built Image is pushed to docker hub using the credentials from the global configuration named $(docker.account)
  • The current configuration of the stack in rancher is retrieved
    • If the stack does not exist yet it is created empty
  • The apps configuration is added to the stack configuration
  • The app is deployed into the stack
    • If no other version of the service is found it will be created
    • !NEW! If rancher.in-service is set to true then a rolling upgrade will be triggered to a non-versionized name and subsequently in-service upgrades of this service
    • If the same version of the service is found then an in-service upgrade is triggered
    • If a different version of the service is found then a rolling-upgrade ist triggered
    • In case of an in-service upgrade rancherize waits for the stack to reach upgraded and confirms the upgrade.
      You can set rancher.upgrade-healthcheck to true to wait for it to report healthy instead. Not that this only works if a service has a health-check is defined(not yet supported through rancherize)

Build image

The command build-image exists to build the current state of your work directory into the docker registry, then deploy them via push -i. It is essentially the push command without any interaction with rancher.


Blueprint neutral configuration

Known Blueprints

Developing Blueprints

See the Blueprint readme for more information on how to develop your own blueprints


List of examples