
rancherize has no `version` command

rokde opened this issue · 2 comments

rokde commented

I can not lookup the rancherize version within the docker container thing.

I wanted to check "the environment init takes the composer.json for project name" fixed issue - this does not work right now. I have pulled to ipunktbs/rancherize image right before doing that. A few seconds ago (2017-09-18 08:00).

For re-opening the closed issue I would check the library version. But there is no way doing that right now.

I can't seem to find an easy way to do this automatically.

I see the following options:

  1. have a pre-commit hook add the commit hash to a version.txt
  2. Use a build system to create releases. For the docker image this is simple: add git describe --tags > version.txt in the Dockerfile. For the packgist use case we'd have to use our own system
  3. Add a release script to the repository which is used to create releases. In addition to creating the release tag it also adds the tagname to version.txt and uploads the current directory as binary files of the release

Probably easiest to do Steps 2 and 3 combined, then add a command to echo the version from the version.txt in the same directory as the rancherize entrypoint script.

rokde commented

I think the master should have a version constant or the opening of the application has to have a version given as argument. And this has to be set before a tag has to be applied.