
Uses redux saga to get data from a TV guide REST api endpoint

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TVGuide App

TV Guide data from end point using Redux Saga

This app uses Redux saga to get TV guide data from a public endpoint - TV Maze.

You click a buttin and it retrieves the show name of the first TV show if finds.

Used Create-React-App as boilerplate

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Install App

Clone the repository and enter the directory:

git clone git@github.com:iq2525/tvGuide-app.git
cd tvGuide-app

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run App

npm start

In your browser, go to: http://localhost:3000/

Click the button 'Update TVGuide' to get information .

Run tests

npm test

Need more tests for the Saga part of the code.

Data Endpoint

The app uses the following endpoint: http://api.tvmaze.com/search/shows?q=sport