
Initialize struct of Swift with Web API.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub release CircleCI CocoaPods compatible SwiftPM compatible Swift 4.0 platforms

This library is initalize Swift struct from Web API. It is made of very proper and lazy. It can be used only when the following conditions are satisfied.

  • When request format is JSON .
  • When API response format is JSON .
  • When I was prepared to be unable to use a kind JSON Parser.
  • If you want to process asynchronously, use GCD.😇

I used Codable from 0.7.0. No need for Any to Object processing.


Implement WebInitializable of Struct for API Response

// Basic pattern
public struct BasicStruct : Decodable{
    let message:String
extension BasicStruct : WebInitializable {
    public typealias bodyType = RequestStruct
    public typealias errorType = ApplicationError

Implement WebDeserializable of Struct for API Request

// Body struct
public struct RequestStruct : Encodable{
    let value:String
extension RequestStruct : WebDeserializable {

Implement Parse Error & API Error

public struct ApplicationError : Swift.Error, Decodable{
    let code:Int
    let reason:String
extension ApplicationError : WebSerializable{

Struct Initialize

let basic = try? BasicStruct(
    path: "http://localhost:8080/basic",
    body: RequestStruct(value: "hello")

Error Handled

    let _ = try ErrorStruct(
        path: "http://localhost:8080/error",
        body: RequestStruct(value: "hello")
catch let error as WebStruct.Error{
    switch (error) {
    case .network( _):
        // Network error
        XCTAssert( false,"Network error is unexpected.")
    case .http( _):
        // HTTP error
        XCTAssert( false,"HTTP error is unexpected.")
    case .ignoreData:
        // Unexpected response data
        XCTAssert( false,"IgnoreData error is unexpected.")
    case .parse( _):
        // Failed parse response data
        XCTAssert( false,"Parse error is unexpected.")
    case .application(let e):
        // Server side defined error
        XCTAssert( e is ApplicationError, "Serialize for ApplicationError is fail.")
catch {
    // Unexpected throws
    XCTAssert( false,"Unexpected error.")


You can customize the behavior by implementing request and session.

Customize request

// TimeoutInterval extended
extension CustomRequestStruct : WebInitializable {
	static var request:URLRequest {
        guard let url = URL(string: CustomRequestStruct.path ) else{ fatalError() }
        var request = URLRequest(url:url, cachePolicy:.reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData, timeoutInterval:10.0 )
        request.httpMethod = "POST"
        request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField:"Content-Type")
        return request

Customize session

// Cellular access disabled
extension CustomSessionStruct : WebInitializable {
    static var session:URLSession {
        let def = URLSessionConfiguration.default
        def.allowsCellularAccess = false
        return URLSession(configuration: def, delegate: nil, delegateQueue: nil)


Swift build in Server

cd Server
swift package clean
swift package update

Generate Xcode project

swift package generate-xcodeproj

Launch Test Server

open WebStructTestServer.xcodeproj

Build & Run "TestServer" Target in Xcode.



Run UnitTest for WebStruct

Command & U in WebStruct.xcodeproj

Old Issues

  • There was a problem that a segmentation fault occurred when used with Ubuntu.
  • I looked up this problem is solved on DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2017-02-09-a.