
This repository contains files for Customer Complaint Power BI Dashboard.

Customer Complaint Dashboard

video demonstration

Image Description


This Power BI dashboard aims to provide comprehensive insights into customer complaints. It contains various visualizations that allow users to understand key metrics related to complaints, identify trends, and gain a deeper understanding of complaint types, products, channels, priorities, and customer satisfaction. The dashboard provides a holistic view of customer feedback, helping businesses make informed decisions to improve customer satisfaction.
The dataset is obtained from Kaggle: https://shorturl.at/lAN57

Project Insights

  • Total Complaint KPI: This key performance indicator (KPI) provides a snapshot of the total number of customer complaints.

  • Closed Complaints KPI: This KPI indicates the number of complaints that have been successfully resolved or closed.

  • Complaint Types Button: Allows users to interact with the dashboard by filtering data based on different complaint types.

  • Top 5 Products Complaints (Clustered Bar Chart): This chart visually displays the top 5 products that have received the most complaints.

  • Complaints by Type (Clustered Bar Chart): This chart breaks down complaints by their type.

  • Complaints by Channel (Clustered Bar Chart): This chart shows the distribution of complaints across different channels.

  • Complaints by Priority (Donut Chart): The donut chart presents complaints categorized by their priority levels.

  • Complaint Trends (Area Chart): This area chart tracks the trends of complaints for products purchased in 2020 and 2021.

  • Customer Satisfaction Rating (Gauge Chart): The gauge chart provides an overview of customer satisfaction, helping assess overall customer sentiment.

  • Complaints by State (Map): The map visualization displays the geographic distribution of complaints by state.

Installation Requirements

To access and interact with this Power BI dashboard, you need:

  1. Download Power BI Desktop.

  2. Download the report file from this repository and open it on the PowerBI desktop.

Feel free to explore the charts, filter data based on your requirements, and gain valuable insights into customer complaints.