
GMT4 scripts for the mini-course. Clone me to get the scripts and examples

Primary LanguagePostScript

# GMT-class
GMT4 scripts and presentations for the GMT mini-course at Instituto Dom Luiz/ Universidade de Lisboa. 

Clone me to get the scripts and examples
just use "git clone https://github.com/jconvers/GMT-class.git"
If you already cloned this, to update your files:
"git pull origin master" and then you are done.

IF, you don't use git, you can always download the .zip file (look to your right --------> )

I made these scripts and examples for an introductory course to GMT scripts, so, this is not really an in-depth class by any means.
It is designed to help a person getting started on bash scripting and GMT plots. 
All I want with this is save you some time when you try to learn GMT.   

For each class, I made some examples that should run. These are the basic examples.
There are some examples, mainly when we go into grids that will not run simply because the files that it is using are too big to put here. for everything else, just try it.

Having said that, I am also thiking about this as an aide for a person that is learning these sort of stuff. 
So I am interested that all the examples that should work are indeed working, and that theys are helpful of course :)
So, please let me know if nothing works and its all going to hell.

I will try to keep this updated and on par with the class. IF, by any chance you did not make part of this,
just send me a message and I will do my best to get you to run these examples. Also, without me tying to replace the GMT help forum, I can add some examples if you want to try to do some weird plot of your choosing.

Thank you!!

-Jaime Convers

Basic index for the folders/classes:

Class 1: Be patient, we'll ge there: 
    Introduction to Linux commands
    VIM: this is what I use everyday (optional) 
    The first script, what every script should have
    Excercises :)
Class 2: Almost there: 
    The AWK, GAWK commands and how they help you in GMT. 
    First GMT scripts: how to organize them to make them reusable
Class 3: Grids of Thrones: 
    Introduction to grids. 
    What is that "grid info" file?
    cpt files... lets look at one of these, what should weknow about them?
    How to get a basic grdimage
Class 4: The Grid Awakens:
    Small detour: making your scripts reusable with flags (parsing arguments into your script)
    grdview (sort of a 3D perspective), Why is it so hard to get it to look OK? 
    Inset maps!
    What is the little trick to produce inset maps?
    lets make one!
Class 5: Legends! Yes, we all need them:
    basic legend order
    adding our stuff in a legend, what can we and can't we add?
    making a couple of legends