A 2D racing game built using Unity for my Capstone Design Course at UofT.
Notice to Students: Please don't plagiarize!

Link to game:


"Daily Commute" showcases my commute from last year when I was doing my PEY. 
I live in Hamilton, Ontario and I worked in Toronto. My commute to work included:
	1. Driving to the Burlington Go Station
	2. Taking the GO train to Union Station
	3. Taking the TTC(Subway) from Union
	4. Walking to the office from the subway station
During this time there were many distractions and delays. 
The go train would be delayed or I would be distracted by a rare Pokemon spawning at the GO Station. 
This game has two levels. 

Level 1:
The first level requires the user to drive to the go station in time. 
They must avoid other vehicles while at the same time gain points. They can gain points by collecting fuel containers. 
A speed boost can be acquired by picking up some coffee. 

Level 2:
Once the user has arrived at the GO Station, they have to choose between Pokemon Go or the GO Train. Their decision determines the outcome of the game. 

Only level 1 has special controls. Mainly tapping the left or right of the screen moves them left to right. 

How to Win?
The user wins by making it to the go station on time and by passing level 2. 

The purpose of this game is to give others a glimpse of the 'fun' commute I had going to work every day for 16 months.