
Azure function to trigger Azure IaC pipeline to destroy expired resources

Primary LanguagePython

Pipeline Trigger

Azure Function to queue Azure Pipleine based on Azure Resource expiry.

Environment Vars

Variable Name Description Sample
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID Azure subscription ID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
RESOURCE_GROUPS Azure Resource Groups where you have IaC managed resources (comma separated values) RG_MyApp_Dev,RG_exmaple_app_dev
PIPELINE_URL Azure DevOps Build Pipeline URL https://dev.azure.com/MY-ORG/MY-PROJECT/_apis/build/builds?api-version=6.0
PAT Azure DevOps PAT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

How it works

The function will list all the resources with tag "ExpiryDate" from given Azure Resource groups. Compare the expiry date with current time. Then the function will queue the Azure IaC pipeline destroy stage with below parameters.

    "definition": {
        "id": pipeline_id
    "sourceBranch": "refs/heads/master",
    "sourceVersion": "",
    "reason": 1,
    "demands": [],
    "parameters": "{\"action\":  \"destroy\"}" -------------> (The pipline destroy stage should have a condition to run only when the action variable value is destroy)

Azure DevOps Pipeline sample

You may find a sample pipline here



Author Information

Muhammed Iqbal iquzart@hotmail.com