
wip: Tigopesa TZ - USSD push adapter

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Tigopesa (Tz) Push API - Laravel Package

Software License Travis Total Downloads


composer require tumainimosha/laravel-tigopesa-push

Publish Configuration File

Publish config file to customize the default package config.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tumainimosha\TigopesaPush\TigopesaPushServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Run migration

php artisan migrate



Configure your api parameters in .env file as follows. Substitute example values below with those provided to you at time of integration.

TZ_TIGOPESA_PUSH_BILLER_MSISDN=<your-biller-msisdn> # Should start with country code 255 followed by 9 digits. eg: 25565000111

Other configuration can be found in the config file published by this package. The options are well commented :)


Quick start

use Tumainimosha\TigopesaPush\TigopesaPush;

$customerMsisdn = '255652111222';
$amount = 1000;
$txnId = uniqid();

$tigopesaPushService = TigopesaPush::instance();
$response = $tigopesaPushService->postRequest($customerMsisdn, $amount, $txnId);

/** @var bool $success */
$success = $response['ResponseStatus'];

Handling callback

Out of the box, this package stores transactions in table tigopesa_push_transactions, and updates their status on receiving callback.

However, you may need to do further actions on your app after receiving callback, by listening to event TigopesaCallbackReceivedHandler::class fired at callback.

You need to implement your own event listener to listen for this event and do any additional steps after receiving callback.

The event has public attribute $transaction which contains the transaction parameters including status

// EventServiceProvider.php

protected $listen = [
    \Tumainimosha\TigopesaPush\Events\TigopesaCallbackReceived::class => [

// TigopesaCallbackReceivedHandler.php

public function handle(TigopesaCallbackReceived $event)
    $transaction = $event->transaction;
    // do your custom logic here

Customize config values at runtime

The service offers fluent setters to change config values at runtime if your use case requires.

Such a use case could be when you have multiple accounts on the same project, and you fetch your config values from DB.

$tigopesaPushService = TigopesaPush::instance();



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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.