
View, visualize, clean and process data in the browser.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

View, visualize and transform data in the browser.

Data Explorer is a browser-based (pure HTML + JS) open-source application for exploring and transforming data.

It works well with any source of tabular data. Load and save from multiple sources include google spreadsheets, CSVs and Github. Graph and map data, write javascript to clean and transform data.

Built on Recline JS.

Use it

Visit http://explorer.datahub.io/

Want to use it locally? Just do "save as" and save the html (with all associated files) to your hard disk. Note that for github login to work you will need to have the app opened at a non file:/// url e.g. http://localhost/dataexplorer.



git clone --recursive https://github.com/okfn/dataexplorer

Then open index.html in your browser!

To learn more about the the code see doc/developers.md

License and Credits

Licensed under the MIT license.

All Credits as per Recline. Also all the great vendor libraries including: