
a hook framework for arm/arm64/ios/android

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


What is HookZz ?

a hook framework for arm/arm64/ios/android

ref to: frida-gum and minhook and substrate.

special thanks to frida-gum perfect code and modular architecture, frida is aircraft carrier, HookZz is boat, but still with some tricks

thanks for @lauos with contributing android code


  • solidify inlinehook without Jailbreak(Static Binary Instrumentation) [new-90%]

  • GOT hook with HookZz(i.e. change fishhook to inlinehook), better for APM

  • the power to access registers directly

  • hook function with replace_call

  • hook function with pre_call and post_call

  • hook address(a piece of instructions) with pre_call and half_call

  • (almost)only one instruction to hook(i.e. hook short funciton, even only one instruction) [arm/thumb/arm64]

  • runtime code patch, without codesign limit [Jailbreak]

  • it's cute, 100kb

How it works ?

Move to HookFrameworkDesign.md



Thanks List

@sxf144 - RMB1000

@ckis - RMB88

Contact Me

recommend_email: jmpews@gmail.com
wechat: winter1ife
QQ: 858982985
