a hook framework for arm/arm64/ios/android
ref to: frida-gum and minhook and substrate.
special thanks to frida-gum perfect code and modular architecture, frida is aircraft carrier, HookZz is boat, but still with some tricks
thanks for @lauos with contributing android code
solidify inlinehook without Jailbreak(Static Binary Instrumentation) [new-90%]
GOT hook with HookZz(i.e. change fishhook to inlinehook), better for APM
the power to access registers directly
hook function with
hook function with
hook address(a piece of instructions) with
(almost)only one instruction to hook(i.e. hook short funciton, even only one instruction) [arm/thumb/arm64]
runtime code patch, without codesign limit [Jailbreak]
it's cute, 100kb
Move to HookFrameworkDesign.md
@sxf144 - RMB1000
@ckis - RMB88
recommend_email: jmpews@gmail.com
wechat: winter1ife
QQ: 858982985