
A simple in-process python scheduler library with asyncio, threading and timezone support. Schedule tasks by their time cycles, fixed times, weekdays, dates, weights, offsets and execution counts and automate Jobs.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


A simple in-process python scheduler library with asyncio, threading and timezone support. Schedule tasks by their time cycles, fixed times, weekdays, dates, weights, offsets and execution counts and automate Jobs.

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scheduler can be installed directly from the PyPI repositories with:

pip install scheduler

Alternatively install scheduler from the git repository with:

git clone https://gitlab.com/DigonIO/scheduler.git
cd scheduler
pip install .

Arch Linux

The PKGBUILD file can be utilized from the Arch Build System. Download the PKGBUILD file and from within the containing folder run

makepkg -i

Example: How to schedule Jobs

The following example shows how the Scheduler is instantiated and how basic Jobs are created. For advanced scheduling examples please visit the online documentation.

import datetime as dt

from scheduler import Scheduler
import scheduler.trigger as trigger

def foo():

schedule = Scheduler()

schedule.cyclic(dt.timedelta(minutes=10), foo)

schedule.minutely(dt.time(second=15), foo)
schedule.hourly(dt.time(minute=30, second=15), foo)
schedule.daily(dt.time(hour=16, minute=30), foo)
schedule.weekly(trigger.Monday(), foo)
schedule.weekly(trigger.Monday(dt.time(hour=16, minute=30)), foo)

schedule.once(dt.timedelta(minutes=10), foo)
schedule.once(trigger.Tuesday(), foo)
schedule.once(dt.datetime(year=2022, month=2, day=15, minute=45), foo)

A human readable overview of the scheduled jobs can be created with a simple print statement:

max_exec=inf, tzinfo=None, priority_function=linear_priority_function, #jobs=9

type     function / alias due at                 due in      attempts weight
-------- ---------------- ------------------- --------- ------------- ------
MINUTELY foo()            2021-05-26 03:55:15   0:00:14         0/inf      1
CYCLIC   foo()            2021-05-26 04:05:00   0:09:59         0/inf      1
ONCE     foo()            2021-05-26 04:05:00   0:09:59           0/1      1
HOURLY   foo()            2021-05-26 04:30:15   0:35:14         0/inf      1
DAILY    foo()            2021-05-26 16:30:00  12:34:59         0/inf      1
WEEKLY   foo()            2021-05-31 00:00:00    4 days         0/inf      1
WEEKLY   foo()            2021-05-31 16:30:00    5 days         0/inf      1
ONCE     foo()            2021-06-01 00:00:00    5 days           0/1      1
ONCE     foo()            2022-02-15 00:45:00  264 days           0/1      1

Executing pending Jobs periodically can be achieved with a simple loop:

import time

while True:


The API documentation can either be viewed online or generated using Sphinx with numpydoc formatting. To build, run:

sphinx-build -b html doc/ doc/_build/html


Testing is done using pytest. With pytest-cov and coverage a report for the test coverage can be generated:

pytest --cov=scheduler/ tests/
coverage html

To test the examples in the documentation run:

pytest --doctest-modules doc/pages/*/*


Digon.IO GmbH - IT Dienstleister Wuppertal Softwareentwicklung und Datenwissenschaften

We would like to thank Digon.IO for sponsoring the development of this library. Digon.IO is building bridges between data science and software development. They enable companies to automate and accelerate their data-driven processes. Please visit their website: digon.io


This free and open source software (FOSS) is published under the LGPLv3 license.