get color of locale image
Psiiirus opened this issue · 13 comments
is it possible to extent this lib to also extract colors of locale images?
I'm a total noob in swift so it took me a while to get a version working on iOS with asset-library:// URL
Maybe this code can help to make a fast implemention?
Not doing a PR because the lack of Android support
// DominantColor.swift
// RNDominant Color
// Created by Matin ZD on 7/11/1398 AP.
// Copyright © 1398 Facebook. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import UIKit
import Photos // use the Photos Framework
class RNDominantColor : NSObject {
@objc static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool {
return false
@objc func getColorFromURI(_ imageURI: String,callback successCallback: @escaping RCTResponseSenderBlock ) {
let url = URL(string: imageURI as String)
let fetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssets(withALAssetURLs: [url!], options: nil)
if let phAsset = fetchResult.firstObject {
PHImageManager.default().requestImageData(for: phAsset, options: nil) {
(imageData, dataURI, orientation, info) -> Void in
if let imageDataExists = imageData {
guard let colors = UIImage(data: imageDataExists)?.getColors() else {
return successCallback(["#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000"])
} else {
return successCallback(["#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000"])
@objc func getColorFromURL(_ imageURL: NSString,callback successCallback: RCTResponseSenderBlock ) {
let url = URL(string: imageURL as String)
let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url!)
guard let colors = UIImage(data: data!)?.getColors() else {
return successCallback(["#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000"])
is it possible to extent this lib to also extract colors of locale images?Cheers,
Work in progress
I'm a total noob in swift so it took me a while to get a version working on iOS with asset-library:// URL
Maybe this code can help to make a fast implemention?
Not doing a PR because the lack of Android support// // DominantColor.swift // RNDominant Color // // Created by Matin ZD on 7/11/1398 AP. // Copyright © 1398 Facebook. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import UIKit import Photos // use the Photos Framework @objc(RNDominantColor) class RNDominantColor : NSObject { @objc static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool { return false } @objc func getColorFromURI(_ imageURI: String,callback successCallback: @escaping RCTResponseSenderBlock ) { let url = URL(string: imageURI as String) let fetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssets(withALAssetURLs: [url!], options: nil) if let phAsset = fetchResult.firstObject { PHImageManager.default().requestImageData(for: phAsset, options: nil) { (imageData, dataURI, orientation, info) -> Void in if let imageDataExists = imageData { guard let colors = UIImage(data: imageDataExists)?.getColors() else { return successCallback(["#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000"]) } successCallback([ colors.primaryHex, colors.secondaryHex, colors.backgroundHex, colors.detailHex ]) } } } else { return successCallback(["#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000"]) } } @objc func getColorFromURL(_ imageURL: NSString,callback successCallback: RCTResponseSenderBlock ) { let url = URL(string: imageURL as String) let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url!) guard let colors = UIImage(data: data!)?.getColors() else { return successCallback(["#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000"]) } successCallback([ colors.primaryHex, colors.secondaryHex, colors.backgroundHex, colors.detailHex ]) } }
Make Pull request please and we will workaround android :) Thanks!
I'm a total noob in swift so it took me a while to get a version working on iOS with asset-library:// URL
Maybe this code can help to make a fast implemention?
Not doing a PR because the lack of Android support// // DominantColor.swift // RNDominant Color // // Created by Matin ZD on 7/11/1398 AP. // Copyright © 1398 Facebook. All rights reserved. // import Foundation import UIKit import Photos // use the Photos Framework @objc(RNDominantColor) class RNDominantColor : NSObject { @objc static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool { return false } @objc func getColorFromURI(_ imageURI: String,callback successCallback: @escaping RCTResponseSenderBlock ) { let url = URL(string: imageURI as String) let fetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssets(withALAssetURLs: [url!], options: nil) if let phAsset = fetchResult.firstObject { PHImageManager.default().requestImageData(for: phAsset, options: nil) { (imageData, dataURI, orientation, info) -> Void in if let imageDataExists = imageData { guard let colors = UIImage(data: imageDataExists)?.getColors() else { return successCallback(["#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000"]) } successCallback([ colors.primaryHex, colors.secondaryHex, colors.backgroundHex, colors.detailHex ]) } } } else { return successCallback(["#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000"]) } } @objc func getColorFromURL(_ imageURL: NSString,callback successCallback: RCTResponseSenderBlock ) { let url = URL(string: imageURL as String) let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url!) guard let colors = UIImage(data: data!)?.getColors() else { return successCallback(["#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000", "#00000000"]) } successCallback([ colors.primaryHex, colors.secondaryHex, colors.backgroundHex, colors.detailHex ]) } }
Make Pull request please and we will workaround android :) Thanks!
Hi @matinzd ,
I currently haven't any setup to create a proper PR but I have this .patch file with maybe can help?
Do you have any articles about setting up a RN Project to do PRs for external libraries?
Anything about getting color from local images?
Hello, any news?
I am also waiting please give some update
Working on issue in new branch. When it was stable we are going to publish thanks to @Psiiirus
Hello, please any update on the yet?
2 years gone and still, guess it's abandoned