
Rate Me Version for Corona

Primary LanguageLua

Corona Rate Me !

Current Version : 1.0.5

Asking rating to the app users made easy for games made with Corona SDK.

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Made for Womi Studios, by Perk.com Inc.

##How to Integrate

  1. Download the repo, copy the coronaRateMe folder and paste at the root folder of your game where the main.lua is there.
  2. In the coronaRateMe/rateMeUtilities.lua, add appIconUrl,appStoreId,androidPackageName,appName.
local appIconUrl = "Icon-60.png"
local appStoreId = "id1025709661"
local androidPackageName = "com.womistudios.dashingdots.aphone"
local appName = "Tap it with Perk Points"

Note : Please use an image on minimum with 120 x 120 with corner Radius.

##How to Use

You can use either

  1. Automatic Rating Popup
  2. Custom Call Event

1. Automatic Rating Popup

When you choose to use the Automatic Rating, You just need to mention the place where you need the Popup. Rest will be taken care. By default, the popup will be up, when the user launches for 4th time. When the user selects Remind Me Later, it will be asked when the app is launched 8th time (frequency = 4).

In the main.lua add the following code

local rateMeUtilities = require "coronaRateMe.rateMeUtilities"

Then, at the place where you want the Popup to be automatically showed, add these below code.

local rateMeUtilities = require "coronaRateMe.rateMeUtilities"

if rateMeUtilities.checkForAlert() then
    local options =
      isModal = true,
      effect = "fade",
      time = 200,
      params = {
        text = "Would you like to rate the App ?",

In the composer architecture, please add the above lines inside function scene:show( event ) and the phase did

function scene:show( event )
    local sceneGroup = self.view
    local phase = event.phase
    if ( phase == "will" ) then
    elseif ( phase == "did" ) then
      -- Add the code here :D

NOTE : Please make sure text should be one / two line. If you want to explicitly break the line use \n.

Best place to add the above code will be after the Game complete, or high score achieve.

Thats it !!

2. Custom Call Event

You can call custom call even when you want to show the popup anywhere.

In the main.lua add the following code

local rateMeUtilities = require "coronaRateMe.rateMeUtilities"

At the place you want to show the Popup, you can check the status of the User's previous choice by using

local rateMeUtilities = require "coronaRateMe.rateMeUtilities"

local status = rateMeUtilities.getStatus()

Status Values :

  • NONE - When user have not interacted with the Popup
  • NEVER - User has selected "No Thanks"
  • LATER - User have chosen "Remind Me Later"
  • RATED - User have tapped "Rate Now"

Based on the status values, you can call the Popup

if status == "LATER" then
    local options =
      isModal = true,
      effect = "fade",
      time = 200,
      params = {
        text = "Would you like to rate the App ?",

NOTE : Please make sure text should be one line.

Thats it for Custom call Event.

Advanced Methods

  • In Automatic Rating Popup, If you want to change the app launch count, where the initial popup need to be shown and Remind Me Later frequency, you can modify at coronaRateMe/rateMeUtilities.lua as

    local firstAlertAfter = 4
    local laterAlertAfter = 4
  • For the Custom Call Event, you can get the App Launch count by using

    local launchCount = rateMeUtilities.getAppLaunchCount()


  • 1.0.5

    • Added the App Name in the top of the Pop up. It works only for the portrait mode. In landscape mode, the name wont appear.
  • 1.0.4

    • Fixed the centering issue in iPads. Now the entire popup will be a separate sceneGroup and so, finally it is centered. Closed this issue.
  • 1.0.3

    • Added landscape support.
  • 1.0.2

    • 2 Line support for the Text in the Middle.
  • 1.0.1

    • Added a Fix for Showing Alert - When the user have not responded to the alert ever. (Previously when the user have not responded anything to the alert by closing the app, the alert was again never shown. Now thats fixed and showing the alert in next 4th launch)


Thanks for using Corona Rate Me. Feel free to Fork, send Pull Request. In case of any bugs, Please create issue here.