
Testing CouchDB Lite on Android

Primary LanguageJava

Trying Couchbase Lite Android

This is the simplest code for CRUD using Couchbase Lite on Android.

Entire thing is written in PlaceholderFragment inside MainActivity.java

Note: This is really simple thing. Just for reference and getting started.

Thing you may use from here:

Extra Things which can implement and can be used.

package com.iraycd.testcouchdblite.utils;
public class Keys {
  public static final String DB_NAME = "testdb";
  public static final String KEY_MAIL = "email";
  public static final String KEY_REG = "registered";
  public static final String KEY_SCORES = "scores";


This is how I stored the keys.

Things which I have used. Not necessarily but can be used


How to run the application

  1. Use Android Studio.
  2. Run the application.
  3. You will see the output.

Understand the code. Now 😃